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Some canadian friends are in Rio and we talk a lot about the social problems and stuff.

So what's going to be? Bart Simpson or Women?
Bad comments

Everyone, first of all, Xuxa is not that bad at all. When I was growing up, she had an educative program and it was fun to watch it as a child. It was entertaining. Second of all, YES "screw soccer". Americans need to start calling their fave sport (which is boring in my opinion) American Football. And just to relieve my stress from reading some of the "baboseiras" here, I am going to have a Brahma to calm down my nerves and eat "coxinhas"! PEACE :D
Why, praytell, are you responding to a thread from two years ago?

Actually, don't bother trying to answer, it doesn't really matter.

Barring being overriden by another staffer, this thread is closed.
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