Best Real Life quotes...

I have just created another Thread to argue about the little american politics thing I started called "American Politics Debate Continued from Best Real Life Quotes". Its located in the off topic zone like this one is. I don't want to get this thread shut down by a moderator so if you want to continue this arguement lets move it there and let this return to the Thread its suppose to be.
I'll reply to this one in the new thread.

By the way, one of my fave quotes would have to be this graphic one. It's from memory, so it may not be word for word.

"You asshole. You fucking asshole. You fucking dipshit asshole. Pull the fucking goddamn cord! Marcinko, you motherfucking cocksucking pus nuts no load limp dicked cuntfaced sphincter lipped shit for brains asshole geek SEAL! PULL THE FUCKING GODDAMN CORD!" Everett E. Barrett to the Rogue Warrior, Richard Marcinko. This was from a video of a parachute jump where Marcinko, instead of pulling at 10,000, pulled level with the mast of a ship. Also, the Captain in charge is worthy of mention too. "Marcinko! Read my lips! You're fucking grounded!"