212 Squadron - "The Old Man's Eyes And Ears"
Originally posted by Quarto
WTF is that supposed to mean? Why shouldn't I be able to make comments on American politics? Because really, if I can't make comments about American politics, then how can Americans make comments about non-American politics?
With our very ideaology and culture being a blend of so many others, we have the right and logically relevant background TO make assumptions with foriegn policies. We have and know everyone.
Ah, but how can you prove that your claims about Liberals are not just another form of telling mistruths or proof that you're just misinformed?
I agree to this statement.
Right, like that scumbag who didn't get the job done in 1991! What was his name, uh... Clinton, right?
Bush... was in office... in 1991.

Clinton didn't do much of anything with our military. He bombed a few buildings using the Air Force but that's about all I can think of.
On to my own thoughts...
Though I do not care for the Bush Administration, I intensely dislike the apathetic and sickenly PC anti-war/ anti-agression protests by various groups of American people. People say they want answers for 9/11 and we're finding them by aserting ourselves with the possiblity of naked force against those who threaten a repeat performance.
Violence has resolved more issues than any form of diplomacy, simply because it naturally (if violently) picks a winner, be it eventual or sudden.
The fact is, it is our duty not as a country but as a *civilization* to protect ourselves, our future and our economy by any means possible. If this means we must be agressors, so be it. The history books will judge who is right and wrong, as they are written by those left standing.
There is the fine question about why America must police the rest of the world. This is not an easy issue to answer but it is easily solved morally. The fact is, morals are not an absolute. They do not adhere to every civilization or ethnicity; americans have a lovely intolerance for how the middle-eastern world treats it's women. By that single moral implication alone, we are in the right; not that we are right, but that we believe we are right. Is this a contradiction? Yes, but America is about assimilation of culture, not destroying it. To rebuild the moral potholes of another society, one must allow radical reconstruction.
Sometimes the right choice isn't always the most popular choice, keep that in mind.
People believe in "appealing to better natures" or "reaching out to understand". This is incorrect. They were taught that what they, those that support Saddam and Saddam himself, is a way to survive and that if it they do it with success, it must be 'moral'.
In the end, when the guns are to be loaded, why must we deny the Darwinism principal of pain, which has evolved us for the last fourty thousand years? Pain inspires as much fear and obedeance as death or the threat of death. It is that unquantifiable abstract, along with resolution and reactionary thoughts, which brings an end to tyranny.