BattleTech is a bad game -- don't buy it

Relative to all other Robotech material, DYRL rocked... but if you didnt know Robotech/Macross it would probably be really freakin confusing. Macross Zero should tide hardcore fans over until a movie is release (hopefully).

Re: Battletech... I think that it would be really cool if they did the universe from a footsoldier's view... but that wouldnt have much bearing on the "mech" bit except when everyone turns and runs... and re: MW3 the models were great, the animation was great, the feeling of being in a 10-metre mech was sorta lacking, and running over a guy and having gibs fly up fifty feet was sorta gratuitous. If you want much better jobs at modelling go to and scope their expansion pack, it is seriously AWESOME.
What I don't understand is why people defend BattleTech saying its rules are great when many could be improved as many players have pointed out.
Who cares about the rules. I care for the BattleTech universe.

Go back to chasing dolphin launched super polymer George Washington approved cow pies and eating blackfuel and flying around space in a water balloon.

As for Chernikov, it wouldn't be much fun trying to stop an Atlas with at beast a handheld SRM launcher and getting vaporized in return.

Or for that matter, getting stepped on by a Locust.

Then again, an Elemental game could work out...
Ummmm, FASA isn't in business anymore, right? So, did Battletech's rights get sold to another company ( like my favorite pen and paper RPG Shadowrun ) did?

Shame about FASA...they must not have believed in George Washington.
Actually, FASA still exists. Unfortunately, though, FASA is nowadays considered a subsidiary of Microsoft. Just look at all the FASA materials Microsoft has published in recent years. You have the Mechwarrior 4-era games (which account for 2 games...Black Knight was done by an outside company) and Crimson Skies (PC AND Xbox versions were both published by Microsoft).

As for why like a game with wacky rules. Well, as I have said in the past...and will continue to say until people (actually, just Joshua) realize that the rules are not written in stone (to speak metaphorically). The rules are just a GENERAL GUIDELINE that you can follow to the letter, or modify (sometimes heavily) depending on the game you are playing. If you want to make a hyper-realistic version of Battletech, you can do so. If you want to make Battletech more streamlined, go ahead and try. That's one of the main draws for ANY tabletop game...the rules are highly adaptable to whatever the GM wants them to be. If you want to have flying monkeys with bombs strapped onto their bodies so they can kamikaze themselves into an Atlas, go ahead...just don't expect many players to take your campaign seriously anymore.

There's my opinion, and I'm stickin' with it.

EDIT: and why is it my post count is always stuck on 2? Is it because I don't start threads?

Pre-emptive EDIT: who knows, maybe MS will release a Shadowrun game. Perhaps in the same vein as Neverwinter Nights (ie, the potential for persistent worlds and massive fan created modules).
Actually, Shadowrun is still going. They're still releasing sourcebooks for it. Also, they just put out a series of action figures that can be used to fight one another in a semi-RP fashion, and there is talk of comic books and even a movie planned.

Alot to get hyped up over.....until you realize that there is ALWAYS a movie planned about something. :rolleyes:

Oh, there was mention of a video game to come out. But FASA doesn't own Shadowrun anymore...a company called WizKids has 'em now. So Microsoft probably won't have anything to do with it....on second thought...Microsoft has something to do with EVERYTHING...
EDIT: and why is it my post count is always stuck on 2? Is it because I don't start threads?

Posts in the OT Zone don't count towards total postcount. This was initated to profide a disincentive to random idiots making a bunch of BS posts just for ++postcount. Although hardly perfect, it does seem to have an effect, since this is the forum most suited to posting random crap with a lower probability of getting banned for rampant stupidity.

Note I said "lower probability", not "zero probability". This isn't a "sandbox" forum.
Only posts on OT don't count? Are there any other zones that don't count, or perhaps just the ones on the main WC zone count? Could someone clarify this?

Just curious...
I owned everyone in mechwarrior...everyone else was out buying big stompy nuclear metal pajamas...I bought a backhoe. that's a whole lotta holes...

well, this post seems to have come up short...did I ever tell you guys about the time I invented "slightly-less-than-super Polymers?"
well, I would...but the failed anti-stupid treatment I received in the Matrix Thread appears to have blanked my entire memory of the event. I remember it involved having a nasty flu and being out of tissues. Past that, you'd have to hire a hypnotist.

But since you asked for a tale, and not the tale concerning slightly-less-than-super polymers, I'll tell you about the time I...<fast_forward>
</fast_forward>...and I said, "Rectum? Damn near Killed'em!
More whiskey!