Science-Fiction with broader appeal is fiction. You're grabbing a specific genre and saying you want to make it as generic and likeable as possible.
I can just see Verner Vinge's editor telling him to kill the hard science fiction he writes, because it cuts off his appeal in certain markets!
Do you have any clue how stupid you are right here? LOAF is telling you that your wanting to befriend the guy who kicked you in the nuts for your haircut last week, but who likes it this week is idiotic at best.
These are people who dump on the things we love. But now they agree with you, SO THEY MUST BE RIGHT.
The problem is that I want sci-fi geared at me, the sci-fi fan. Not Martha down the street who enjoys her knitting and Law and Order and that clever little Battlestar show.
Thats because we like to believe we're all very smart(And some of us are). Smarter than the jerkass douchebags who expound on how great the purile lowbrow shit that makes up 'popular culture' is. These are the people who jump from fad to fad because everyone else is.
We're better than that.
Hey doctor, this pamphlet says I'm not supposed to eat uranium. But I disagree!
You come into a thread where we're complaining about a specific kind of person, and manage to hit every single goddamn complaint we raised. Good job.
You're like the doctor who went to help black people instead of whites in the 50s. No, you really are! You're taking a risk and making a stand!
And yet, the same people raving about BSG(whose opinions matter to us now, right?) all loved 90210.
Said to the guy who goes to gay cowboy movies to see princess diaries girl topless.
Quiet descends upon the crowd, as we lean forward in our seats expectantly
I've been to a few vets offices, and I can tell you this cat has AIDS.
Should LOAF be agreeing with everyone no matter how wrong they are?
That isn't really how that works.
After letting you into his house, and letting you disagree with him, LOAF has a responsibilty to make sure he never offends you...because it's a *hosted* public forum?
We're not banning everyone who doesn't toe the party line, just the ones who end up being giant assholes about it.
Most of the people we're running off are assholes like you. Excluding the jerks is exactly what a moderator or administrator should be doing.
When you're done here, go tell the WCU people how horrible we were.
And I swear to god Sergeant, I'll write you up for a congressional medal of honor if we make it through this.
Get over yourself. Most posts like this that get people banned are left untouched. It's funnier that way.
Yeah, he'd be so disgusted that some of us are still this passionate about it. Goddamn us all to hell.
See you later, pal.