I like the new BSG show. It does a lot of things that haven't been done before, or aren't currently being done. Many of these things really tickle me where I like it.
It's really an intersection of a lot of good things that add up to a really fun and awesome show. Also, I do not subscribe to the notion that the show is over sexed, too violent, etc. So yeah, that's about it. All the ingredients for (me) really really liking the show with none of the 'it's so intellectual!' argument that has been lampooned in this thread.
EDIT: Welcome to page 3.
A great cataclysm with the survivors of humanity crammed into some space ships. It's like social science fiction. I have a post-apocalypse fetish. Hasn't been done since... the original BSG.
- Aircraft carrier in space. Nuff said.
- The music. OMG, the music. It's a completely weird fusion of contradictory styles that works fantastically.
- The incorporation of the ancient Earth mythology. It was one of the eerily compelling themes of the original when I saw it as a kid, and it's still cool. Especially when combined with...
- How similar the fictional culture is to our own. Not talking about the 'human condition' theme or anything... but the speech, dress, technology, etc is very very similar. It heightens the believability of what I'm seeing on the screen, I think. It's also a nice break (for me) from Trek and other extremely science fictional societies.
- The nice touches of military authenticity. It's like Tom Clancy... in space!
- Sorry Stargate, I will always love you, but BSG kicks the pants off of your writing and dialogue. Not that there are many of them, but I think the only competition that BSG's writing has from recent space ship shows is Enterprise (OT: ENT consistently had the best opening teasers of any show... ever)
- Did I mention the music? The music.
It's really an intersection of a lot of good things that add up to a really fun and awesome show. Also, I do not subscribe to the notion that the show is over sexed, too violent, etc. So yeah, that's about it. All the ingredients for (me) really really liking the show with none of the 'it's so intellectual!' argument that has been lampooned in this thread.
EDIT: Welcome to page 3.