Battlestar Galactica on - WOW!

Looks like a different manufacturer with different models. Just sent for a Battlestar Atlantia, I'm curious to find out what the quality is like.
I've only seen a few episodes of Atlantis so far but I'm really impressed :)

McKay is possibly the best sci-fi character of all history, the woman native to the pegasus galaxy whose name I forget does let the rest of the cast down something awfull but other than that its top notch sci-fi :)
Conrad said:
battlestar galactica is out on dvd in the UK now.

Yeah I bought it the day it came out, and I have to say I've no idea what everyone is complaining about.
Ok so the sci-fi is a little off (in particular see flying an organic ship by pulling on its entrails) but between the cylones who are human appearance (who seem to be at an evolutionary cross roads themselves as they discover the emotions that go along with being a sentient organic being), the last of a people, the formation of an entirely new goverment... you've got a really unique set of character interactions going on.

Technical accuracy be damned, these people are captivating.
I think having the BSG DVD might be cool, because you could just skip the crappy episodes to get to the good ones. The good ones being the ones with space combat- which the show has done an excellent job with so far. And yes TopGun, McKay did an awesome job on SG-1, he gave me probably the biggest laugh from Sci-Fi shows all this year. It probably wouldn't have been funny if you didn't know the characters, but it just highlights the great character development from the shows. Atlantis also had a great combat scene with the Darts VS. the Atlantis marines.
Pedro said:
Yeah I bought it the day it came out, and I have to say I've no idea what everyone is complaining about.
Ok so the sci-fi is a little off (in particular see flying an organic ship by pulling on its entrails) but between the cylones who are human appearance (who seem to be at an evolutionary cross roads themselves as they discover the emotions that go along with being a sentient organic being), the last of a people, the formation of an entirely new goverment... you've got a really unique set of character interactions going on.

Technical accuracy be damned, these people are captivating.

Sci-Fi = Science Fiction, so it doesn't have to make sense
Any fictional universe should make sense within its own confines, unless a contradicting new rule for that universe has been specifically specified then the reader/viewer will assume the laws of our own universe apply therefore its bad practice to break them.

The exception to this rule is fantasy, which is why I hate the majority of fantasy (credit goes to many Japanese animes for setting up a coherant new universe rather than just making stuff up randomly as needed when dealing with fantasy).
Pedro said:
The exception to this rule is fantasy, which is why I hate the majority of fantasy (credit goes to many Japanese animes for setting up a coherant new universe rather than just making stuff up randomly as needed when dealing with fantasy).
Anime? Coherent?
Quarto said:
Anime? Coherent?

Haha I said "many" anime shows, there's thousands and the ones with coherant worlds only make up about 1%. Theres another 1% that are so mad thay they'll have you falling off your chair in laughter... the other 98%... scary scary troubling stuff.
I think Anime is an excellent example of Sturgeon's Law.

A lot of it is throw-away junk for fans who'll eat up the genre just because it's the genre (not unlike hardcore Star Wars fans). I've also found that anime fans have absolutely no appreciation or understanding for quality animation.
LeHah said:
I think Anime is an excellent example of Sturgeon's Law.

A lot of it is throw-away junk for fans who'll eat up the genre just because it's the genre (not unlike hardcore Star Wars fans). I've also found that anime fans have absolutely no appreciation or understanding for quality animation.

Theres a lot of truth in that, however its a very creative outlet and hence, on occasion, is a... I hesitate to use the term genre... medium which produces some truly original, unique and wonderful results.
BSG My .02 worth

Since, everyone here is either kinda for or against.
Let me say, that I have the Bootlegged Full Series at home on DVD! :p
Some points:
1. Original BSG storylines are all represented in the 1980 version as well as the new version.
2. They mix the time-lines with Technologies. (Confusing, if you never saw an original Viper! Delta Winged type! Or the Original Artist Concepts of Battlestars! Check them out if you can, you will understand.)
3. They are now in the Series; Going down the pike, Say 40 years from where the 1980 version started? Why? who knows! But it makes for an interesting ride, with an alternate timeline, with a same destination version ending.
4. They are not Droids! Originally Cylons were Reptilian, then when the Colonist's starting killing them off to fast, the Cylons made Machines to match Human Battle Techniques.
5. This BSG Series has Humans Making the Cylons, that go from Machine to Cybred.
Makes sense for that transition. This is the only Weakness that really stands out. Not like the Books or the Original. But, I enjoyed the Entire 15 Episodes which includes the Mini-Series.
6. Confusion reigns in the Mini-Series and requires That Character/Plot development over the time span of the series. :)

I am pretty forgiving, given the past of Sci Fi. You get some great years, then some Really awful writing and Movies. (Hey, Just like Books. :D )
I grew up with Books, and then the Classics (Day the Earth stood still, Forbidden Planet etc.) Loved Star Wars when it came out, Just like 2001! Blew my Socks off at the theatres.
Basically, watch it, and love it or Hate it. It's all in the Pogrom folks. ;)