Battlestar Galactica on - WOW!

Battlestar galactica is by no means the greatest thing to happen to sci fi since Star Trek first aired in the 60s.

I have enjoyed the show reguardless and in that sense its a breath of fresh air as my interest in scifi in general was hitting an all time low :)
Bandit LOAF said:
Ever go back to watch the X-Files pilot? You get really embarassed when you get to the scene where Scully is walking around in her underwear. Battlestar Galactica is like a whole show of just that scene.

God....I haven't seen that episode in years

Talking about X-Files, did you see the episode with Seth Green in it?
LeHah said:
Or him spray-painting the big pink 'X' on some street because his car stalls?
You forgot to mention him dancing around on that street, screaming "oh, yes" or something along those lines.

Funny, it didn't seem that cheesy when it was first shown. But then again, we were all much younger then.
Quarto said:
You forgot to mention him dancing around on that street, screaming "oh, yes" or something along those lines.

Yeah, later on in the episode he's running out in the rain like a crazy. It's so over the top, you can't help but like it.

TopGun said:
Talking about X-Files, did you see the episode with Seth Green in it?

Episode 2 - Deep Throat. (Over the years, I've grown distasteful for the "mythos" episodes on the series - they started getting convoluted when they had dead aliens in boxcars burried on Native American territory - but some of the epiodes were really strong, like Little Green Men, Deep Throat and The Erlenmeyer Flask, which ended Season 1.)
Brian Thompson is a super-nice guy. Too bad the last thing I saw him in was a beer commercial.
Conrad said:
Battlestar galactica is by no means the greatest thing to happen to sci fi since Star Trek first aired in the 60s.

I have enjoyed the show reguardless and in that sense its a breath of fresh air as my interest in scifi in general was hitting an all time low :)

Very well said.
Yeah at the end of the day people can watch what they want to. People should not try to make people not watch a show, just because they dont like it
As for LeHahs note on Stargate, I have to say its only gotten better with each season, infact I found the first two average at best. The only problem I would attribute to SG-1 now is too much too fast, clearly it has to be coming upto the end of its run and they've so much more to say, Lost City and New Order parts 1 and 2 illustrate this well, you've effectively got a 3 episode long mini arc in which they tie up both anubis, introduce the escape of the replicators and fifth, set up Atlantis, invent the first effective weapon against the replicators etc etc.
But... so long as you can keep up and ignore the "that couldn't happen all at once" thought they represent some of the best stargate episodes to date.

As for Star Trek ok I was a massive fan but I was watching the other day, and the amount of made up tech which they then give a stupidly simple analogy for is really starting to bug me. Sure a lot of the science is well thought out but in some instances the solution to an episodes problem turns out to lie with a particle they've never even mentioned before, its worse than fantasy shows in that respect. Don't mean to criticise it at all, I have a LOT of videos, just saying its not perfect. You can find fault with any show.
I've personally got a lot of complaints about enterprise but for all of them it had been improving when the show ended, the first two seasons were no worse than those of DS9 or the first season and a half of Voyager.

I've only seen the mini-series of battlestar gallactica so far. I think LOAFs main complaint, about the tendancy towards too many revealing scenes as it were with that psylon, in that miniseries atleast, isn't justified justified. The scenes served to show exactly how shallow the doctor was. I personally really enjoyed the mini series, I didn't think it was original or that it broke new ground, I reverted to being 12 years old and said "cool" a lot which is in my mind no bad thing :)

TopGun said:
Yeah at the end of the day people can watch what they want to. People should not try to make people not watch a show, just because they dont like it

Absolutley, I couldn't agree more. I'll admit there have been times when I've spoken out against Babylon 5 or Buffy (infact watchers of these shows disturb and confuse me) but at the end of it all I'd rather be watching the shows I do enjoy than arguing about it.
My issue with Stargate is the way they keep playing musical chairs with the cast. Michael Shanks left the show - so they had his character "ascend" to another relm of existence or some such - and replaced him with an alien that has the exact same physical and character qualities as Shank's character. Then they bring Shanks back for various cameos before he becomes full-time again.

Another thing - one of my greatest pet peeves is when "serious" sci-fi shows feel the need to spoof themselves - as if science fiction fans aren't aware the genre is canibalistic as is without some idiot writer hitting us over the head with (in the case of SG1) nerd scientist heros or "sci-fi shows within sci-fi shows" episodes.

Add to that Richard Dean Anderson's slow fade from the show (due to personal reasons I can understand), the show lost its luster quite a while back. It's better than most of the stuff out there now - but, crap, I remember the mid-90s having some outstanding television like X-Files, Millennium, SAAB and Exo-Squad.
First season of X-Files was great, as was SAAB, but other than that...

...anyway to stargate. "I felt Season 6 didn't work because Michael Shanks' character played too an important role which Corin Nemec failed to fill" those words (or to that effect anyway) were from Don S. Davis at the first stargate convention I attended and there was no disagreement from Teryl Rothery, his character didn't have a backbone so he couldn't stand up for his point of view, he couldn't act, fans were certainly glad to see him go, sounds like cast were too.
Still in other respects season 6 was a damn good one.

We do know michael shanks left due to issues with his character, not because the writers chose for him to do so, however his method of leaving fit in nicely with where the show has been driven, I only wish there had been more of a reason for oma deslas intervention. I can't speak for everyone but I don't think his return was done unrealistically nor was a bad decision.
I certainly wouldn't call it musical chairs, he came back in two cameos, both with a very specific purpose, it wasn't as though he were popping up out of the blue. In the space of a season thats nothing startling.

Sadly I'm only at the beginning of Season 8, RDAs phasing out never bothered me prior since his character worked best in contained doses, however how well the show will work with him behind a desk I'm yet to find out.

As for wormhole extreme... it was the 100th episode, it was funny, I liked it, besides I've seen worse shows on satellite TV (*cough* babylon 5 *cough*). Nor did it represent the only humorous episode, window of opportunity remains to this day my favourite.
SG-1 is not a 100% serious show, it is first and foremost entertainment, it knows it is, it lets you know it is. However it tries desperatley hard to maintain coherance within the universe it has established and succeeds.
I've been wanting to see it; I've only seen the bill board adverts so far. In which Billie pipers face has been photoshopped so much that it makes her look diseased. Air brushed face and enhanced lips to the extreme. :D
I'll be watching it, was addicted when I was a kid, but then I hit about 14 and suddenly the videos were going out of print and worth something. I believe I spent all that cash on video games.
One thing that worries me is whether or not the new doctor will actually have that strange eccentricity about him. I've not read up on it a lot however Anna-Louise Plowman played a fairly major part in one of the episodes, and whilst she seemed very taken with his performance in the part the only words she used to describe him were dark, sadly no mention of funny :(

LeHah... yeah I know, I was trying to avoid that point ;) Not because I agree on a grand scale (infact I certainly don't) but the two parters seem a little disjointed, always have. Most of my post was counteracting your points which implied a lack of cohesion on the grand scale.
On coherance I'd managed to get distracted, after reffering to SG-1 solely as entertainment I felt it necessary to point out it hadn't made a common mistake to both sci fi and fantasy alike.
Pedro said:
...were from Don S. Davis at the first stargate convention I attended and there was no disagreement from Teryl Rothery

Why are people asking about Stargate when they should be asking Davis where in the hell are my Twin Peaks Season 2 DVDs.
If one must talk about shitty sci-fi I would have to say that the peice of crap I have to watch while I wait for BSG takes the cake. Stargate Atlantis. BOOO! HISSSS! Can we say bad acting? They need to kill off that whole cast! The "Boss Lady" whatever her name is, is the worst actress I have seen as of late. None of the characters are beleivable for even a second. The implied suspense in the story does not grip. Racing slicks have a better chance at gaining traction in 3 foot deep mud. That show is such a joke and should be burned after they cancel it.... no wait, save it and show it to aspiring writers and directors as a lesson of what not to do when creating a sci-fi story. Rant Complete.
I also happened to like last friday's Stargate episode where the future was slightly altered and we see that the sarcastic guy from Atlantis working in Daniel Jackson's place. The way they made him into a humorous jerk that treated Daniel Jackson and Samantha Carter like total morons while hitting on Carter shamelessly was funny. I enjoy the lightheated fun atmospheres and the variety of personable characters of the Stargates more than the heavy seriousness and homogonous personalities of the BSG characters. I saw part of last Friday's BSG. It was admirable that they tried to add a bit of humor, playfullness, and interaction between the characters by having Starbuck spray Appollo with the water hose and the president dance with the commander, but it just seemed too little, forced, and artificial to me.