As for LeHahs note on Stargate, I have to say its only gotten better with each season, infact I found the first two average at best. The only problem I would attribute to SG-1 now is too much too fast, clearly it has to be coming upto the end of its run and they've so much more to say, Lost City and New Order parts 1 and 2 illustrate this well, you've effectively got a 3 episode long mini arc in which they tie up both anubis, introduce the escape of the replicators and fifth, set up Atlantis, invent the first effective weapon against the replicators etc etc.
But... so long as you can keep up and ignore the "that couldn't happen all at once" thought they represent some of the best stargate episodes to date.
As for Star Trek ok I was a massive fan but I was watching the other day, and the amount of made up tech which they then give a stupidly simple analogy for is really starting to bug me. Sure a lot of the science is well thought out but in some instances the solution to an episodes problem turns out to lie with a particle they've never even mentioned before, its worse than fantasy shows in that respect. Don't mean to criticise it at all, I have a LOT of videos, just saying its not perfect. You can find fault with any show.
I've personally got a lot of complaints about enterprise but for all of them it had been improving when the show ended, the first two seasons were no worse than those of DS9 or the first season and a half of Voyager.
I've only seen the mini-series of battlestar gallactica so far. I think LOAFs main complaint, about the tendancy towards too many revealing scenes as it were with that psylon, in that miniseries atleast, isn't justified justified. The scenes served to show exactly how shallow the doctor was. I personally really enjoyed the mini series, I didn't think it was original or that it broke new ground, I reverted to being 12 years old and said "cool" a lot which is in my mind no bad thing
TopGun said:
Yeah at the end of the day people can watch what they want to. People should not try to make people not watch a show, just because they dont like it
Absolutley, I couldn't agree more. I'll admit there have been times when I've spoken out against Babylon 5 or Buffy (infact watchers of these shows disturb and confuse me) but at the end of it all I'd rather be watching the shows I do enjoy than arguing about it.