Any updates on Prophecy MP Patch?

So I got to thinking, first a space sim with scores online, now a multiplayer patch, both using the same game basically...

How long do you figure before we have online Standoff missions that are built for cooperative play? Or maybe just team deathmatch using standoff ships/capships?

It would be interesting to have WC1 vs WC2 matches or WC1 Confed vs WC1 Kilrathi battle re-enactments.

Lots of room to grow now I would imagine, the framework to expand has been made. Congratulations to everyone whos working on these fan projects, and thank you for all the work you've put in.
CataclysmX said:
How long do you figure before we have online Standoff missions that are built for cooperative play? Or maybe just team deathmatch using standoff ships/capships?

It would be interesting to have WC1 vs WC2 matches or WC1 Confed vs WC1 Kilrathi battle re-enactments.

The Standoff team said it'll be quite a while. HCl is still working on the first release, and anything beyond simple match-ups will wait until the second release. Not until after that is table will the code be translated over to Secret Ops, and Standoff would need to find a way to incorporate that well. By this point, Standoff Episode 5 could already be out, and a multiplayer Standoff could be a separate thing.
Guys remember that HCl is making this miracle on his free time, and with no obligation to do so.
I'm as anxious as the next guy to play it, but give him time.
Patience is a virtue.
All I can say is WOW. Only heard about WCPMP today and this is the baby I (as well as many others) have been waiting for. People told me, go play x-wing, but that wasn't wing commander.

Nice going HCI, very much look forward to its release!
Nice going HCI, very much look forward to its release!

We all are looking forward too, but it seems HCL got a a really mean disease called Real Life ;-) , so if anyone knows how to cure this ...

So can any Beta testa give us a little update? Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase.
Well, each time HCl develops an updated version, we test it. There hasn't been a significant version since the last thing he said. There might have been one minor spinoff test, still on the issues he addressed above. There are no user friendly tools to initiate matches, so there's no testing without him. The public launcher application for this is in work now.
Its great to know that the actal MP side of it is ready and all thats left at the moment is the user friendly launcher.

Nice going, we patiently await its completion as we all know this is done in HCl's own time. None of us expect it now, we may want it now :p but we know how it is :)
May I put in a request now for an integrated chat function/lobby in the game? In case you hadn't done it would be annoying to have to alt+tab out of a game to send messages to the other players etc.
At this point, matches happen so fast that it's not an issue. HCl would probably have to implement something like that from scratch, so I wouldn't expect it for the first release.
Btw, HCl...I saw on the news a while ago that you were working on a new cloacking technic that was on beta-stage and worked only on opengl at the time.
The million dollar question is, there is a HClhidefromradar command to go with it?
That cloaking tecjnique HCl has started to develop only works in 3dfx mode, not OpenGL.

TanGO and I, with some help from HCL, have already implemented functions to hide from radar and make an object untargetable.
Anyone actually heard from HCl recently? He must be stuck in that strange universe called "Real Life". We really must get him out of there :P
ChrisReid said:
At this point, matches happen so fast that it's not an issue. HCl would probably have to implement something like that from scratch, so I wouldn't expect it for the first release.

When you guys play is it just with one life per game? or do you use respawns?
At the begining of each round your ship is respawned brand new and healthy, including all the ammo, missiles and decoys you usually have at mission start.