Any updates on Prophecy MP Patch?

Doing S&R stuff would probably be difficult to implement since there isn't code for player controlled tractor beams in the game. It'd be simpler to have a mode where two teams have a carrier each, and the first team to blow up the other's carrier wins.

Of course you'd have to make sure at least one person on the team is flying a bomber otherwise it'd go on forever.
d3r3k said:
I think asteroid fields could be suitable obstacles.

I've never encountered an asteroid field in WCP that could be dense enough to be much of a slow down. Is it possible to create a really dense field?
Dundradal said:
I've never encountered an asteroid field in WCP that could be dense enough to be much of a slow down. Is it possible to create a really dense field?
Sure is - the reason you didn't encounter such fields in WCP, obviously, is because they didn't want the players to experience slow-downs.
It's worth noting that Proving Grounds used some monstrous asteroids to spice up its battlefields. The rock below is thousands of clicks away. If you flew around behind it, you'd disappear off enemy radar scopes and could pull a jack-in-the-box ambush maneuver like in the WC movie.

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ChrisReid said:
It's worth noting that Proving Grounds used some monstrous asteroids to spice up its battlefields. The rock below is thousands of clicks away. If you flew around behind it, you'd disappear off enemy radar scopes and could pull a jack-in-the-box ambush maneuver like in the WC movie.
We need that to be in WCP multiplayer.:)
Here's a small update, for those wondering how things are going.

Last night's tests went nearly without glitches. :-) There is still something strange with kill registering in some circumstances, which i'll have to check, but that seems to be the last gameplay issue left to handle. Work on the MP launcher is underway and integration of the server code on the main DLL is nearly complete, so all things considered, i'm hoping it won't take long to get a build good enough for release.

The number of players at each session may still be limited by the current network code. However, i will be introducing significant changes in the net code for Release2 which should make things more manageable (at which point i'll be introducing new scenarios as well).
HCl said:
Here's a small update, for those wondering how things are going.

Last night's tests went nearly without glitches. :-) There is still something strange with kill registering in some circumstances, which i'll have to check, but that seems to be the last gameplay issue left to handle. Work on the MP launcher is underway and integration of the server code on the main DLL is nearly complete, so all things considered, i'm hoping it won't take long to get a build good enough for release.

The number of players at each session may still be limited by the current network code. However, i will be introducing significant changes in the net code for Release2 which should make things more manageable (at which point i'll be introducing new scenarios as well).
So, let me guess, next week?
HCl said:
Here's a small update, for those wondering how things are going.

Last night's tests went nearly without glitches. :-) There is still something strange with kill registering in some circumstances, which i'll have to check, but that seems to be the last gameplay issue left to handle. Work on the MP launcher is underway and integration of the server code on the main DLL is nearly complete, so all things considered, i'm hoping it won't take long to get a build good enough for release.

The number of players at each session may still be limited by the current network code. However, i will be introducing significant changes in the net code for Release2 which should make things more manageable (at which point i'll be introducing new scenarios as well).

HCl said:
Here's a small update, for those wondering how things are going.

Last night's tests went nearly without glitches. :-) There is still something strange with kill registering in some circumstances, which i'll have to check, but that seems to be the last gameplay issue left to handle. Work on the MP launcher is underway and integration of the server code on the main DLL is nearly complete, so all things considered, i'm hoping it won't take long to get a build good enough for release.

The number of players at each session may still be limited by the current network code. However, i will be introducing significant changes in the net code for Release2 which should make things more manageable (at which point i'll be introducing new scenarios as well).
Ótimo trabalho, Ácido Clorídrico!
Hey, the fix for the "weird blue thing in Glide-Hi-Res" bug will be in the MP Patch, right? Will the MP Patch include all previous fixes?

Thanks a lot, and, again, great work! we're all indebted to you :)
Edfilho said:
Ótimo trabalho, Ácido Clorídrico!
Hey, the fix for the "weird blue thing in Glide-Hi-Res" bug will be in the MP Patch, right? Will the MP Patch include all previous fixes?

Yeah, they'll get integrated into one pack (still small file size). It helps because the multiplayer patch makes use of the simulator, and in the old high res patch, ships in the ship select box were screwed up in the sim.
So can we host exclusive servers? outside office hours my company connections have bandwith to spare, probably only benefitail to western europe, but it's the best i can do. :cool:
First off, thank you for your quick response to my little dance/song ;-)
But i have a small question:

Will a dedicated Server be possible? To even the odds alittle in sense of latency?