Any thoughts on New ships for UE2

Then how about Devastators. :D

I mean escort them to attack enemy caps. Basically have a Confed cruiser or destroyer escort the Dauntless and carry shrikes or something.
The involvement of Confed forces in the same sort of helping-out role as they had in UE1 is definitely not out of the question. But in such a situation, you wouldn't be the one flying the Devastator or whatever ship.
I was meaning as an escort role. Maybe something for a final mission to take down an enemy fleet escorting some Confed bombers with a few vampires or panthers helping.

Confed would certainly not trust state-of-the-art bombers in the hands of pilots who have never even flown a sim in a confed craft of this power or type.

This could be a very cool battle. :D :cool: