212 Squadron - "The Old Man's Eyes And Ears"
Bandit LOAF said:Dino damage!
They're unstoppable! But we're gonna stop 'em anyway!
Bandit LOAF said:Dino damage!
Edfilho said:Erm. I didn't get it.
Joker057 said:Well considering that this new pope is alreay the same age as JPII his papacy wont last long maybe thats why they elected him so they could have a chance at the seat as well.
PopsiclePete said:Shit, Ratzinger.I wanted Hummes.
criticalmass said:Right now the theory is that ethics, religion and values are the new look&feel of socialist tendencies, acting up against the postmodernism and liberalism spawned by capitalism.
Isn't political theory crazy?
Your understanding is incorrect - but this is not surprising, as even most Catholics don't understand this (I myself only found out exactly how it works recently; this is one of those issues that people so often hear nonsense about, that it doesn't even occur to them there may be a reasonable explanation). The dogma of Papal infallibility is a very, very narrow one - it applies only and exclusively to situations where the Pope must consider a significant problem of the faith (it has to be related to the scriptures) and it is his intention to come up with the final and definitive answer to resolve the debate. Thus far, in all of Catholic history, there has been two - two - situations where Papal infallibility was induced, outside of announcements about the canonisation of saints.Maj.Striker said:To the devoted Catholics on this board I want to pose a question and please understand this is not asked in any type of malice or wrongful intent but I want to gauge your response. My understanding is that the Pope (according to the Roman Catholic doctrine) is infallible. Do you believe that? Secondly, if you do then if this pope does indeed decide to take a strong conservative stand on moral issues (I'm not saying he will, just asking) would you support his stand as he is infallible?
Maj.Striker said:I agree with him on some level, free capitalism has in many ways spawned movements of liberalism and postmodernism...with the advantages and disadvantages of both. Capitalism allows for freedom...perhaps too much freedom since I have come to the conclusion that no system is perfect. I'm a fan of capitalism since it does inspire personal productivity but the drawbacks to capitalism are serious and damaging. Socialism is actually the perfect system (and since we are discussing somewhat religious aspects, Socialism has strong roots in both the old and new testament of the Bible). However, Socialism is not perfect in reality due to corruption in human nature that breaks the system. Ah, but I digress.
To the devoted Catholics on this board I want to pose a question and please understand this is not asked in any type of malice or wrongful intent but I want to gauge your response. My understanding is that the Pope (according to the Roman Catholic doctrine) is infallible. Do you believe that? Secondly, if you do then if this pope does indeed decide to take a strong conservative stand on moral issues (I'm not saying he will, just asking) would you support his stand as he is infallible?
Porthos said:What on earth are you smoking?
He brings up the idea that capitalism spawned post modernism, and that religion spawned both ethics, socialism, and values. While religion has definitely spawned ethics and values, it did not spawn socialsim. Rather, it made use of it in a limited fashion when the times suited its use.
Quarto said:You are interested enough in our Pope to join in the discussion. We do not even know how and whom you elect to head your church(es). You care what our Pope has to say. We don't even know when/where/what your pastors/reverends/vicars speak.