Air Force

Alright, congrats. And AMD is the way to go!
I really wish I could join the USAF. Why won't they take people who live in other hemispheres? :)
I think so

Porthos said:
You're actually getting to choose your job? You going guard/reserve or something?

No, active duty. I scored a 99 on the ASVAB and I have a bachelor's degree. The recruiter suggested I would be able to pick my job.
ah, a 99. and a bachelors. wow. Yeah, you'll pretty much get to do whatever you want.

I only got a 97 on my asvab, and am a few credits short of an associates degree, and yeah, I more or less got to pick my job. They gave me my number one choice, anyway. If I'd have known anything about the career field, I probably would have still made that choice. But then, I love researching and compiling information, and briefing gives a bit of an adrenaline high.
Boot camp and intel

ONLY a 97? That's hella good. Is there any information you can give me about boot camp that would help me through? Or (unclasified, obviously) information about AF intel?
Edfilho said:
Alright, congrats. And AMD is the way to go!
I really wish I could join the USAF. Why won't they take people who live in other hemispheres? :)

I'm sure Brazil has a fine air force. I heard the navy got a new carrier not too long ago.
My roomies could tell you a bit more about that than I can, but from what I've seen so far 1N1 is pretty good stuff. Do a lot of looking at imagery, figuring out exactly what's there, all kinds of stuff. It's pretty well focused.

Boot camp, well, heh heh.

It's a tad different now from when I went. They re-arranged a few things, but it's still 6.5 weeks. Depends on what squadron you end up in as to how you'll get treated. Pray for the 322. They follow the rules. They don't hit you, etc. The others, well, take a bit of leeway. 322 trains you to be disciplined because you respect/admire (I kid you not) your MTIs, not because you're afraid they'll kill you.

For starters, the first rule of basic: You Are Wrong. I don't care what you're doing, you're wrong. Second rule of basic: Don't Buck the System. Since you're wrong, do you really think you can argue with your MTI and win?

Third rule: one of the air force core values is "service before self." In basic, it means nothing. Take care of your stuff, then help other people. Volunteering isn't that bad of a deal. In fact, it can be good sometimes. Volunteer for stuff. Stay away from laundry crew. KP duty is good stuff. You get time to eat that way. Run. Do pushpus and situps. Lots of them. You want to be able to do at least 45 of each in a minute, and run 1.5 miles in 11:45 or less (10:00 is good)

Practice eating quickly, without talking. You'll get about 5 minutes to eat if you're lucky. Learn what ranks are what. ie, staff sergeant is E-5, LT Colonel is O-5, etc.

Theres more, but I can't really think of anything at the moment. Any specific questions you have, fire away.
Thanks, this is exactly the kind of thing I need. I have TONS of questions. My e-mail address is if you want to take this off the boards.

Is it really just a minute for the fitness exams? I thought it was two.

What are the living arangements at Goodfellow?

If you know anyone doing the 1N1, do they have any advice on what I could be doing now to study for it?

Out of curriousity, why is your icon a Nazi kitten?

I'll get on that rank study thing. Of course, thanks to Wing Commander, I've got all the officer ones down.
It's very hard to go from college into the Air Force. About 14% get in, from what I hear. Your odds go up by a good bit if you're prior enlisted.
I've been in the military long enough to realize that "from what I hear" stuff is just a bunch of hot air. A few of my college classmates from UT were able to get OTS spots in the Air Force and become new butter bar Lieutenants. Also, the Air Force is the most "top heavy" military service, with a 1:4 officer VS enlisted man ratio. I'm calling bullshit.

You go enlisted in the regular military (SOF is very different) with a bachelors, they won't give a flying fuck if you have a degree or not. They'll treat you like shit, and pull the "last time I checked, you enlisted, there's no guarantee that we have to give you a commission." Then if you try to put together an officer package, they can always pull the "oh, we don't know anything about you. You will just have to spend the next two years picking up trash while we evaluate your potential to become an officer."

I can't stand good guys who enlisted in the military with college degrees cause their shitbag recruiter tricked them into signing up without telling them about commissions, just so that douche finishes his quota of the month.

In addition, I wouldn't worry about physical fitness when it comes to the Air Force. Their standards are low.
I am rettired AF. I spent 21.5 there. 10.5 as enlisted and the last 11 as an officer.
I went in right after HS, got my BA and MA while in. You can go from EM to officer.
I also was in Operations Intell as an Officer and I really liked the career field. You photo Intrep guys are really good.

The AF was a great career and I would not have traded it for anything. I have great memories, many good friends, a good retirement, and got to do things I never would have done in civilizan life.

Matt Nelson
AF pt is harder than the Army's, which, considering that's where the AF came from, is pretty good. We're a long ways removed from the bicycle test.

And as for the officer thing, that's only what I've been told by prior enlisted officers I've met on base, who tried for commissions but couldn't get in at the time, so they enlisted instead and waited. Maybe that's a product of what their degree was in or what college it was from, I don't know.
I really don't have the GPA or major to get anywhere near OTS. I appreciate the advice though. It's weird how many people on here are a part of this.

I'm not worried about the minimum PT stuff, I'm going for the awards. But that depends on how good of shape I get into before going.
We Fly Mirage III, F-5 Tigers and our latest aquisition was a bunch of elderly A-4 Skyhawks for our ancient Aircraft Carrier... We do have plenty of decent non-combat AC, like Tucano trainers.

The pilots are very good, though. Hardworking people.

But it is kinda sad to think that we fly MIRAGE III. ugh.

I hope they get to buy Sukhois soon. Anything but the Mirage 2000.
Its nice to see some more armed forces guys!!! im a SAC in the RAF based at RAF Brize Norton at Number 1 parachute training school we have a USAF base near by RAF Fairford:p
The Super Tucano can do combat. It can attack ground troops, tanks, etc. It's not very well suited for dogfighting with modern jets, of course. But can't you mount a sidewinder on it anyway?
Hey, I'm preparing to submit my application to Annapolis in April when I'm first eligible. Any suggestions on PT training?
Wow, i din't realise so many of you guys were military.
I'm an officer cadet just going through pilot training with the RAF, its a great life and propbably one of the most rewarding careers you can do.

Good luck to all of you applying or thinking of applying!