AB Fuel

lorddarthvik said:
One more minor issue: the game feels a bit dark. Setting my monitor or the gamma in-game higher doesn't help. Maybe you should adjust it a very little bit IF possible. Btw, is it just me? I have only played during the day when the sun shines in form my back, so maybe it's really just me :D
Some people have already said they think the game is actually too bright (Wedge, I think?), and personally I think the gamma slider in-game should give everyone good results.

The lack of contrast is probably from the sun reflecting in your monitor during the missions... I remember when I first got WCP I only played it with the lights off (the computer was in a different room than it is now) because the lights always reflected on the blackness of space and detracted me from the game. :p
Now its dark here enough :) But its still got no real contrast somehow.. ah, it doesn't matter :) I'll learn to live with it :D Unknown Enemy was a bit too brightly colored, but still on the better side. Now i know its not just the game engine, but the textures that makes this game look darker. Its good anyway, I'll play during the night :D
Gmma slider just makes everything grey, loos contrast, it doesn't affect the graphics right, but again, that is not your problem :) I wanna fly a Brodsword again, so keep going, and good luck!
lorddarthvik said:
But its not your error!!! Its the original SO thats a lot darker then prophecy, or any other game!
Actually, the only difference between WCP and SO in this regard is that SO missions are intentionally made darker - the engine's still the same. And of course, Standoff is intentionally dark in some places as well - the Gladius mission in Famine being the most extreme example ;).
Quarto said:
The AB fuel is simply a matter of what missions you're flying. WC2 had very little AB fuel... but its missions were limited to 16 ships (and that includes both enemies and friendlies!). So, we could have gone with WC2's fuel levels, and everything would have seemed fine... provided we would have kept the ship numbers down to WC2 levels. And that would have sucked, because one of the best things about working with the WCP engine is that you get to throw fifty enemies at the player.

Possibly...but then you get into the whole Freespace thing where "OH YEAH? WELL WE CAN THROW IN 100 FIGHTERS!" I get really tired of this epic scale stuff, (i.e. our capships are X times bigger than your capships). I'd rather fly against two really decent AI controlled ships than against 50 sitting ducks. That's insanely unrealistic. I remember in Prophecy in one mission I had 47 kills and all I could think was...this is nothing but target practice. Why are we supposed to afraid of these things? Meh, in my opinion, take me back to the old days of WC1 and 2 where if you got 5-6 kills in a mission that was an impressive run. When someone talks about a big battle then I expect a big battle to be 10 - 15 enemy fighters versus 10-15 wingmen...that's a realistic big battle, not 20 enemy fighters versus 3 friendly fighters...that unrealistic and you should be dead in about 10 seconds flat.

Okay, I'm off my soap box now, take my opinion for what it is, nothing more.
What's your problem with the Standoff enemies? I think that they are deadly enough. Try turning up the difficulty to Nightmare, when they actually start USING missiles. End of AI whining.
Maj.Striker said:
I get really tired of this epic scale stuff, (i.e. our capships are X times bigger than your capships). I'd rather fly against two really decent AI controlled ships than against 50 sitting ducks.
Yeah, well, maybe that's why we're making a mod based on Fleet Action, and you're not :p.

Personally, I like both styles of gameplay. I love WC2's tough-but-low-in-number enemies, and I love WCP's large-scale battles. But the mod we're making is a) based on the WCP engine, which handles large-scale battles far better than WC2 stuff, and b) based on the one WC book where you simply could never get away with WC2-scale battles. I mean, really, what would be the point of having the battle of Earth, if every mission involved eight enemy ships and a capship or two?
At least with the the WCP engine Standoff will make the battle of Earth a "real" battle, unlike that so called battle to defend Earth on the losing track of wc3. I know it was because of limitations of the game engine, but I thought it was pretty stupid that its the final fight for the survival of humanity and there is only one measly pilot defending Earth. Sure, that one pilot is the Heart of the Tiger, but Blair is not like a God or anything with super powers. I'm looking forward to a real battle in Standoff.
Don't get me wrong, I like Standoff's approach to the battle sequences. But a big battle is not 30 enemy fighters to 3...that's a gauntlet, not a big battle. Big battle implies some semblance of equivalency on each side. The enemy shouldn't be able to have 15 to 1 odds all the time, every time. Big battle is 15 on 10 or 20 to 14. I'm not saying cut the total number of enemies down to 8 but rather balance the numbers and make slightly more realistic.
since it's been brought up how will the ratio of wingmen to enemies be handled in such situations as BoT and Sirius?
Maj. Strikers got a point! Its really a bit too much. Take a look back at Unknown Enemy campaign missions, where you had beutifull scenes with 8 wingman flying whit you against the enemy's first wave. The only problem is with the second wave, which has the same number of enemy ships 14-15 again, and that makes things seem like target practie, and not like a battle. So, the number of enemys in Standoff chapter one is just a bit too much sometimes. Decrease it about 5-10% per mission, and it will feel better already i think. But its only "I think" :) We'll learn to live with 100*100 enemys per wave if we must to play Standoff :D
Maj.Striker said:
I remember in Prophecy in one mission I had 47 kills and all I could think was...this is nothing but target practice. Why are we supposed to afraid of these things? Meh, in my opinion, take me back to the old days of WC1 and 2 where if you got 5-6 kills in a mission that was an impressive run. When someone talks about a big battle then I expect a big battle to be 10 - 15 enemy fighters versus 10-15 wingmen...that's a realistic big battle, not 20 enemy fighters versus 3 friendly fighters...that unrealistic and you should be dead in about 10 seconds flat.

Heh, wait for Ep.2 when you in your Stilletto set off to face a couple Gothris. Then you´ll get a nice WC2 rear turret feeling.... ripping your armour :p You really can´t face more than 3 cats at a time in Standoff.
I remember in Prophecy in one mission I had 47 kills and all I could think was...this is nothing but target practice. Why are we supposed to afraid of these things?

Because they're not afraid of dying?

Seriously, the intention was never that the Nephilim were unkillable -- it's that there would be lots and lots of them.
Maj.Striker said:
Don't get me wrong, I like Standoff's approach to the battle sequences. But a big battle is not 30 enemy fighters to 3...that's a gauntlet, not a big battle.
I'm not entirely sure what your point is - in almost every mission of the prologue you have up to 11 wingmen. If you ended up with a gauntlet-style 30-to-3 mission, that's your fault, not ours :p.

lorddarthvik said:
Maj. Strikers got a point! Its really a bit too much. Take a look back at Unknown Enemy campaign missions, where you had beutifull scenes with 8 wingman flying whit you against the enemy's first wave.
Again, I must point out that in the Standoff prologue, you regularly fly with as many as 11 wingmen. In the main campaign, this kind of thing will be a regular occurence. You'll never fly with the Firekka's entire Wing (because 45 fighters is a bit much :p), but there will be missions where you have twenty or more friendly fighters. And yes, the cats will still have you outnumbered, but I don't think anybody's interested in a game where the player and his friends kick the crap out of a lone cat.
Also, the cats are on the mother of all offensives, so it is very reasonable that we are outnumbered.
Just try not to lose the wingmen... It's a pain in the ass to keep'em alive sometimes, but they make first-grade cannon fodder.
Also, I know for a fact that some of our testers are dissatisfied with the amount of Kilrathi you meet in the second episode - they think there isn't enough. Apparently, some people can never get enough Gothri :p.
Dundradal said:
since it's been brought up how will the ratio of wingmen to enemies be handled in such situations as BoT and Sirius?
You'll be as outnumbered as FA says you should be.

(Assuming you keep all your wingmen alive. ;))
Quarto said:
Also, I know for a fact that some of our testers are dissatisfied with the amount of Kilrathi you meet in the second episode - they think there isn't enough. Apparently, some people can never get enough Gothri :p.

Damn testers... Like the game isn´t difficult already. :p

Actually, the testers complain is more about making a certain mission more appealing than their will of facing more Gothris rear turrets of doom.

And the request has been answered in a very interesting way.