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  1. G

    Complete WC GOG fixes and tweaks

    I don't have 11, but I was never successful in getting it to work on my Windows 10 machine. The base install with no mods worked, the OpenGL patch worked, but the high res patch broke the videos for me. I actually dug out an old computer and loaded it with Windows XP and applied all the patches...
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    Have we ever known anything like this?

    I haven't played a WC3 planetary mission in 10 years, so my memory was really fuzzy. Also, I've always hated the Arrow (or super light fighters in general) so I rarely picked it. On an unrelated note, one of my old childhood friends was in town for a visit and thought it was really awesome...
  3. G

    Some things I like about Wing Commander 4

    I actually enjoy flying with Maniac on attack missions. Leave him in the hangar bay during defense/escort missions, however. I only recently (in my last playthrough of the PSX version) discovered how awesome Primate was.
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    Have we ever known anything like this?

    Can the Arrow fly in the atmosphere? For some reason I'm thinking that of the WC3 ships only the Hellcat and Excalibur could fly planetside, but I have no idea if that thought is actually based in reality. That could explain why they were replaced.
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    WC 3do ports-Is the joystick really needed?

    I've beaten it once, and I'm replaying it again. The 3do version is probably my favorite version of the game right now, the only bad thing is that you can't manually nuke Kilrah at the end. I also got a sweet deal on a Flightstick from ebay, so I'm playing with it now. I really wish that they...
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    BREAKING NEWS: Is Wing Commander Poised To Make a Comeback? (September 28, 2010)

    It may be too much to hope for, but I'm crossing my fingers for a XBLA/PSN release of the older games since I don't game on the PC much these days. Still, I'd take a rerelease any way I can get it. I might even *gasp* put a real video card in my PC again.
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    WC 3do ports-Is the joystick really needed?

    Sure thing. It's been a while since I played WC3, but I have fairly strong memories of the PS1 and PC ports. To answer my own question in the first post, a joystick is certainly not needed. Convenient and fun, yes, but not needed. I haven't had any trouble blasting small Kilrathi ships out of...
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    WC 3do ports-Is the joystick really needed?

    I think I'll try it out with the pad first, then if I don't like it I'll pick up a stick. I just hate to spent $50 on a stick for one or two games, then have to find a place to store it. Besides, I played WC games for years in high school before I finally got a job and bought a real stick...
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    WC 3do ports-Is the joystick really needed?

    On another forum I frequent there was a thread started about the 3do, and it made me interested enough to finally go on ebay and buy one. Naturally, I also picked up a copy of the Wing Commander 3 port, and will probably get Super Wing Commander when I get done with 3. I haven't played 3 in...
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    "I'm putting you back in the cockpit..." (May 8, 2010)

    I'm doing the same thing, I discovered WC4 on the PSN store and played through it, and it made me want to replay the whole series. I'm up to the last mission of WC2 SO1 right now, but I can't quite beat it. I'm looking forward to WC3, as I haven't played it in 10 years since I couldn't figure...
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    Remembering a Reliable Wingman (May 4, 2010)

    I just played through WC2, and I think losing wingmen in that game hurt more than in any others. Shadow-already talked about Spirit-Her whole story in this game is depressing! Probably the most depressing thing in all of Wing Commander Downtown-You don't fly with him or know him well...
  12. G

    Need help with Dakota 1 in WC1

    Off topic, but tonight I beat Secret Missions 2 for the first time ever! It's the only WC game I have never been able to beat, and these impossible missions has made me an excellent pilot. I even won the Pewter Planet and got to save it. I struggled through the Dralthi/Hornet missions, but when...
  13. G

    Kotaku unboxes Wing Commander III

    Okay, I need a TCS Victory t-shirt. I suppose I could make one. I took my canister out for the first time in years and opened it up, it still has the fresh t-shirt smell. I'd like to wear it, but I just can't.
  14. G

    Selecting a video card with TV out

    Well, my desktop computer is hooked up to a 19" monitor and crappy speakers. It is also in a massive case that isn't easily unplugged and removed. My WC 'puter is in a small case, and the living room has a bigger tv and a sweet sound system. And... I did have this computer just laying around...
  15. G

    Need help with Dakota 1 in WC1

    I'm suffering through those Dralthi missions right now for the first time. I was never able to beat the mission where you saved the Hobbes' Ralari before, but apparently I'm much better than I used to be and I am on my way to beating SM2 for the first time. I can take on anything that the...
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    Kotaku unboxes Wing Commander III

    Maybe I should do an unboxing of my WC3 Film Canister and put it on youtube :)
  17. G

    XBox Engages Afterburners (April 25, 2010)

    Review scores are meaningless. Most of the reviews I've read for Afterburner are from people who don't really get arcade gaming experiences and knock it several points for only lasting 15 minutes. It is one of the best games I've played in a while in any format, especially for the lucky few that...
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    Retro Review Recalls Wing Commander on Sega CD (April 21, 2010)

    This is the game that got me into Wing Commander! I knew it wasn't perfect, but it beat the awful SNES version, and I didn't have a PC until about the time WC4 was released. I haven't played it since probably about '97 though. I still punch in the handle "Hotshot" in most WC games.
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    Selecting a video card with TV out

    Well, it took me all night of messing with settings and reinstalling drivers, but the adapter did work (I'm actually on that computer connected to the TV as we speak.) It's nice to be able to actually read text on this thing. I'm afraid this isn't going to work for low res WC games though...
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    Selecting a video card with TV out

    Silent Warrior: That would be fine, the most advanced game I'm playing is WC Prophecy, but while searching for info about that card I found out that ATI made an adapter that hooks through the DVI ports to output component, and it supported 480i! And it's 6 bucks on Monoprice! I don't know for...