Grayson Burrows

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Grayson Burrows was a Terran privateer who operated around Gemini Sector during the end of the Kilrathi War.

Operating on both sides of the law, Burrows started using an old Tarsus ship inherited from his grandfather.

Following an encounter with pirates in the Troy system, one of his stray missiles accidentally hit an ancient Steltek drone and caused it wreck havoc within the sector.

Burrows later hired himself to a New Detroit fixer named Sandoval. Being paid a mere 5,000 credits, Sandoval gave Burrows a piece of artifact stone as a forward payment. Before the mission was completed, Sandoval was murdered and a lady named Tayla offered to keep Burrows off the law, in return of running some errands for the pirates. Working for Tanya, Burrows ran some Brilliance around, and got involved in some skirmishes with the InSys militia.

Afterward, Burrows was directed to work with Roman Lynch, the leader of Gemini's organized crime family. Working for Lynch, Burrows was promised information regarding the artifact, but in the end Lynch betrayed and had his henchman Miggs ambushed Burrows.

Deciding to seek out the information himself, Burrows went into an adventure that brought him from the Oxford Library in Oxford System, to the Palan blockade, to scouting new jump lines for the Exploratory Services, to landing on a derelict Steltek base (actually, a Steltek capital ship). There he salvaged a Steltek weapon from a ruined fighter, and soon found himself being chased by the Steltek drone.

Approached by Sandra Goodin of the Terran Confederation Navy, Burrows went to Perry Naval Base and met Admiral Terrel. Terrel promised to wife Burrows' slate clean, if Burrows would aid destroying the alien ship that's been following Burrows throughout Gemini.

Burrows later becoming one of the few humans to make contact with the enigmatic Steltek race.

In order to aid Burrows destroying the rogue Steltek drone, the Steltek amplify his gun to incredible powers.

By the year 2700, Burrows was still active as a mercenary and (apparently) in the wrong side of the law. He still possesses the Steltek Gun he recovered from the derelict Steltek base.

Behind The Scenes

Grayson Burrows is the official name of the player character in the first Privateer game and expansion. In actual, the player has the choice to choose the character's name and callsign. In the CD-ROM edition which utilizes full speach, the characters always refer to him as 'Captain' or 'Privateer'. His facial features was also used in the Strike Commander: Tactical Operatiosn expansion pack for one of the fixer in Selim's. Grayson Burrows was last featured in the Star*Soldier manual in a page regarding a bounty for him.