Danrik Heavy Fighter KN02

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KN02 Danrik
Type Civilian Heavy Fighter
Primary User Civilians
Introduction 2785
General Characteristics
Crew 2 (Pilot & Passenger)
Cost c250,000
Maximum Yaw 100 dps
Maximum Pitch 100 dps
Maximum Roll 100 dps
Acceleration 66 k/s2
Maximum 440 kps
Maximum Afterburner 880 kps
Flux Beam (5)
Mounts 5
Default Missile Loadout
Snipe Missile [Difficulty 3]

Brute Mk. I Missile (1) [Difficulty 3]
Brute Mk. II Missile (1) [Difficulty 5]
Python Missile [Difficulty 7]
Disrupter Missile [Difficulty 9]
High Explosive Mine (10)

Mounts 7
Shield Generator Mk. II
Mounts 7
Decoys Decoy Mk. II (10)

Signal Filter

Fore 225 cm equivalent
Aft 225 cm equivalent
Right 225 cm equivalent
Left 225 cm equivalent
Front 150 cm
Rear 150 cm
Right 150 cm
Left 150 cm

The Danrik is the most expensive private fighter in the Tri-System. Danriks are popular in corporate and mercenary roles. Hugo Carmichael of Blessed Aquawine flies a Danrik. Danrik pilots can afford to be unscrupulous: a pair of Danrik once defended a transport carrying weapons to Karatikus against an attack planned by Lord Mike Vonx. Two members of the Tri-System League of Hunters fly Danriks: Aroon Stenbor and Philipe Rellem.

The Danrik is also popular among terrorist causes. Six terrorists flew Danriks during an operation to bomb a CIS communications satellite. Blackstaff, one of the terrorists who targeted Shimmell Medi-Corp's space station, also flew a Danrik. Most impressively, Jaren Xi, one of the Tri-System's finest pilots, flies a Danrik.

The Danrik entered service before 2785. Notable Danrik include REG No: D468_357V (2786) and M834_435F (2787).
