Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom for M2

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Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Platform M2 Systems
Status Announced
Timeline Announced - September 1995
Planned Release - M2 Launch

Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom for M2 is a Wing Commander project which was not released. It was intended to be a launch window title for the 3DO M2 system. The 3DO M2 console never became available. A port of Wing Commander III for M2 was included in Anthony Sommers' 1998 list of cancelled Origin projects but Wing Commander IV was not listed.


  • M2 launch software... Wing Commander IV (Origin) - 3DO Buoyant as M2 Picks Up Speed, Edge, September 1995
  • The following games are confirmed and intended to be ready around the time M2-compatible hardware begins to hit the market or shortly thereafter... Origin - Wing Commander IV - M2 International Connections Become Clearer, Intelligent Gamer's Fusion, May 1996