Teams count cost of Deathball season

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Teams count cost of Deathball season is a News Bulletin by Chip Senpisces posted to the Commerce and Communications Network in 2790. The article denotes a 15% increase in the price of cybernetic limbs on Crius.


Teams count cost of Deathball season
Sports correspondent Chip Senpisces reports from Crius
Well, sports fans, it's the end of another Deathball season, with the Bartville Blood-drinkers emerging victorious after a long, hard season. This glorious sport, the only game to penalise players for NOT employing gratuitous violence, will now be off our screens for six months, allowing teams to rehabilitate their stock of players with the necessary Cybernetic Limbs. For me, the highlight of the season was the Treyk Maulers - Barzon Baby-eaters game last month, which saw the first documented use of tactical nuclear weapons; it's a pity none of the players were around to pick up their survivor's medals. Or the officials. Or, indeed, the crowd. What a sport!