Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

If you do, please PM me the actual AV report so I can try to solve it.
I received the usual SmartScreen bit about it being an, "Unknown Publisher." Other than that (just an extra two clicks), the MUP installed fine. The Beta you dropped Pete has an issue:

If you click, "Fan-made high-resolution models," it gives you the OpenGL warning, then you click ok and it takes you back to the intro install window. Click next causes the installer to close. The only way it installs correctly is to leave that checkbox off.
While I hunt Bugs with Dumbs in the Tigershark it still feels a littel bit strange. In third person you can see why. Missels where fired from mysterius remora misslepods outside the ship. The Panther,Vaktoth and Devilrays seems to have the same bug.
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While I hunt Bugs with Dumbs in the Tigershark it still feels a littel bit strange. In third person you can see why. Missels where fired from mysterius remora misslepods outside the ship. The Panther,Vaktoth and Devilrays seems to have the same bug.

Can you please post screen shots and let me know what game you were playing? Prophecy or SO?
That was in Prophecy


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No rest for the weary! The team is starting on the next batch of assets - Alpha 4 is shaping up to include the rest of the Kilrathi assets (Not-Kamrani corvette, Destroyed Fralthi, Kilrathi Debris field assets), The long-overdue TCS Midway, and Confed space stations. We will likely have a few more Nephilim models as well. We are working to lock down what is realistic for the next release.

To start us off however, here is the new Kilrathi Corvette, the most lethal anti-fighter platform in the game for some reason...

KCorvette_Fin1.jpg KCorvette_Fin2.jpg KCorvette_Fin3.jpg KCorvette_Fin4.jpg
I've actually been looking at the all-glass cockpits like the F-35, I have a version with a single unified HUD like the F-35, but it's kind of bland. In the end, I'll likely remove the round radar in the middle and put another MFD in it's place, but I was sort of inspired by the Viper II cockpit from BSG. I think even an all-glass cockpit would have some steam gauges in it (like the three down the left of the panel) for redundancy IMO.

As for the legs, if I get them to project far enough back you'll only see the thighs, but its kind of a nice-to-have, not a must-have.

It also blocks a lot of the visibility below the fighter. but that's kind of a given...


So here's a revision based off of an F-22 cockpit, it has four MFDs instead of the round radar. Thoughts?
View attachment 8847

Kind of necro-posting a bit, and I apologize for that but I had an idea in regards to the cockpits. In the series Macross Plus the cockpits of the top of the line had digital cockpit systems meaning the inside of the cockpit was either the glass canopy or was lined by screen so when the system was operating it gave the impression that the pilot was simply flying in their seat with no cockpit around them. As the craft was damaged, parts of the display would fizzle out. I know it's a basically a pipe dream, but would something like that be possible?
Kind of necro-posting a bit, and I apologize for that but I had an idea in regards to the cockpits. In the series Macross Plus the cockpits of the top of the line had digital cockpit systems meaning the inside of the cockpit was either the glass canopy or was lined by screen so when the system was operating it gave the impression that the pilot was simply flying in their seat with no cockpit around them. As the craft was damaged, parts of the display would fizzle out. I know it's a basically a pipe dream, but would something like that be possible?
This would be Ace Combat's COFFIN system, with screens all over the pilot. F-35 attempts to go one step in this direction with the helmet theoretically capable of giving you vision through the plane itself thanks to the Distributed Aperture System, but it's not that useful in real life. The omnidirectional vision is mostly important for the plane's combat system itself rather than the pilot, to allow the computer to be aware of threats and act accordingly, dispensing flares, warning the pilot, calculating evasion routes, offering targets and so on, which is the route taken by Rafale's DDM-NG (two half-spherical IR cameras plugged in the combat system alongside EW, radar, laser warners, etc., rather than sending the pictures to the pilot).

Now, in Wing Commander where dogfight at visual ranges is king and 2600's cockpits are still full of physical buttons for everything and have a center-line joystick (whereas F-35, Rafale and the future aircrafts of the 2030s are already using touchscreens and a dual joystick system), this could be done, but is unlikely do be compatible with what we know of the crafts. Look at the Vampire:


A cockpit that looks more like F-14's than anything of the 1990s onwards, with a visibility that is pretty damn bad. However, if you consider the pilot's helmet:


This would be more than likely compatible with a HMD system, which would be cheaper and probably more reliable than such a virtual environment.

Same for the Devastator torpedo bomber, for which the cockpit's physical view is laughably awful:


Thing is, for a torpedo bomber which is designed to be tough, one could argue that the cockpit could be done away with entirely, replacing it with a much more armoured control pod from which the pilot could control the craft using cameras and stuff.
Fun with Fralthi...too?

Here are some work in progress shots of the derelict Fralthi II from Prophecy. The pink is the transparency texture color, so those will be textured with broken hull framing, etc. things that will give the destroyed ship some more detail.

DerelictFralthi.jpg DerelictFralthi2.jpg DerelictFralthi3.jpg

And since you can't have a derelict without an actual Fralthi...

Fralthi-II3.jpg Fralthi-II4.jpg Fralthi-II5.jpg
Looks like I came across a possible bug on the 2nd Relay Station mission:
The game crashes when I destroy the red Manta heading towards the station.