Who were the enemys before the Kilrathi?

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Well, it does look like a space fighter. But the design was not as good as the games, what's a little bit odd.
McGruff said:
The REAL Rapier looks pretty cool.

AHH! I get it! You're implying that the movie Rapier is "FAKE"! *BRAVO*! Your wit has certainly changed everyones opinions in this matter! Dogs and cats living together and all that! Kudos all around!
Alright, I concede defeat. The WC movie is a cinematic marvel which is destined to take its place among the greats in the history of science fiction films. In fact anything with WC on it smells like roses, including European pay toilets.
McGruff said:
Alright, I concede defeat. The WC movie is a cinematic marvel which is destined to take its place among the greats in the history of science fiction films. In fact anything with WC on it smells like roses, including European pay toilets.

You didn't like the WC movie - whoop de doo. Not everyone here does, though we've accepted that it takes place in the same universe, right down to having the same characters. This means that statements like 'real Rapier' don't make much sense, unless you're willing to accept each game and novel takes place in a stand-alone setting, sharing only the Wing Commander names for the characters and species. The Rapier/Rapier II difference has already been explained in other threads. Remember, Bluehair suddenly became a blond, bearded guy for WC3 and Paladin grew wide and brown-haired. Tolwyn also lost all the black in his hair, and dropped the British mustache. Compared to those changes, the WCM characters seem to be near-matches for the original game.

Besides, as far as 'crop-dusters with Down's syndrome' goes, I'd have to say WC2's Epee and the Kilrathi Stealth of the games look just as bulbuous and ugly. The Epee shares more in common with the WCM Rapier (except for the Gatling laser out front) than it does with other WC2-era craft, Ferret included.
McGruff said:
Alright, I concede defeat. The WC movie is a cinematic marvel which is destined to take its place among the greats in the history of science fiction films. In fact anything with WC on it smells like roses, including European pay toilets.

Goodjob alienating yourself from this community, all thanks to your numerous stupidass posts.

shitheel (and note that I'm refusing to address you by the title of Cadet too)
"Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares forgive an injury." - E.H. Chapin
McGruff said:
"Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares forgive an injury." - E.H. Chapin

You know, mindless quoting doesn't raise one's apparent intelligence, especially when the context of the quote is not adhered to. If you're stating here that you're a loner who's been wronged by a community you will eventually dominate, then that's overly dramatic and rather on the far side of idiotic. If that's a threat... we've all heard those before, and that's against Forum rules. It's the Internet equivalent of shouting "I'm gonna tell my Mother about you!" - in other words, hollow and childish.

If you're saying that you're going to be high-minded and ignore the barbs tossed in your direction... well, if we'd been insulting your mother, and doing you actual PHYSICAL injury, then that might mean something.

Psych, pickup in Aisle 6!
McGruff said:
"Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares forgive an injury." - E.H. Chapin

That's exactly what the idiots and the hippie fools said when 9/11 occured, the same "turn the other (butt) cheek" crap.
psych said:
That's exactly what the idiots and the hippie fools said when 9/11 occured, the same "turn the other (butt) cheek" crap.

Actually, turn the other cheek works... between friends. Between guys who don't get the meaning of 'No', 'Live and let live' or 'Please don't shoot me with that gun, I'm not your enemy', it kinda loses its effect. :D
psych said:
That's exactly what the idiots and the hippie fools said when 9/11 occured, the same "turn the other (butt) cheek" crap.

Word. We should've hired Don Logan to be our Middle Eastern diplomat the day that happened.
McGruff said:
"Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares forgive an injury." - E.H. Chapin

And you thought the Wing Commander movie was mind numbing crap?

Thread closed, everyone be nicer to eachother. Except me.
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