Who were the enemys before the Kilrathi?

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DyNaMiX said:
Also, in Wing Commander 2 Blair had blue hair and his voice was very similar to Chris Roberts ( ;) )

Umm, no, Roberts has a mildly British accent, whereas WC2 Blair's accent was kinda southern-ish. Roberts' was the body model for the Blair/Devereaux kiss scene in WC2, as I recall, but that was about it for his direct involvement in WC2.
LeHah said:
Did IQs drop suddenly while I was away? </Ellen Ripley>

I was 150 in high school, then I took another when I graduated college and now I'm 140. I think college made me stupider.

The words "dumb" and "psych" go hand in hand :cool:
Bandit LOAF said:
Which is funny because of all the ships to appear in WC, the movie Rapiers are the only one made of real fighters.

But they're still fugly.. fugly-fugly-fighters..

Death said:
Umm, no, Roberts has a mildly British accent, whereas WC2 Blair's accent was kinda southern-ish. Roberts' was the body model for the Blair/Devereaux kiss scene in WC2, as I recall, but that was about it for his direct involvement in WC2.

My apologies. I must have misread the credits.
Also Leha what's with attacking my opinion?! What I was trying to state is that no matter what the changes were inbetween Wing Commander 2 and 3, Blair is still blair. It's an example to oppose the argument that just because some things changed the episode is not part of a different universe (aka, Wing Commander Movie is not related to the games and is a spin off).
I have the impression - and I might be wrong - that the design process of the rapiers was:

1. Wow, we have some real fighter cockpits
2. Let's somehow build a space fighter around them

Which is similar to kids making a space fighter on their backyard. :)

EDIT: I obviously did not imply that kids have reral fighter cockpits on their backyards.
I'm not really sure - I saw the "fluid" Rapier sketches long before I heard anything about finding the British jets.

Which is similar to kids making a space fighter on their backyard.

... or how aircraft designers develop new planes.

(Oh! But they were breathing *oxygen*! Kids making space fighters in their backyard do that, too!)
Bandit LOAF said:
... or how aircraft designers develop new planes.

I don't think that's not how aircraft designers develop new planes, at all. :)

Well, as I said, it was just my impression that they got the cockpits and started putting all sorts of props around it to make it look futuristic. That's the way people made the original stormtrooper weapons on the original Star Wars: real weapons with stuff to make them look sci-fi.
Bandit LOAF said:
Look me in the eyes and tell me that the TU-4 isn't based on another airplane. :)

Of course it is. But the Tupolev engineers probably didn't design it by getting some old cockpit and putting fake props around it to make it look sci-fi. :)
I don't really see the difference between taking a B-29 and making it look Russian and taking a Lightning and make it look... Rapier...er.
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