shivan said:
In my mind, EA has abandoned Privateer and Wing Commander. We have been waiting for them to come up with a way to play the original game on these silly windows boxes. Not since Windows 95 have you even had a prayer of playing the great classics without something like DOSbox.
If EA and some of those other gaming companies would get off their asses and provide us with newer versions we can actually play, we would buy it in a heartbeat. But no, they have moved on to glitzier games... I even used to keep a windows 3.1 machine just so I could play Privateer.
Careful, this is the abandonware arguement. EA has not 'abandoned' Privateer and WC, they are just not building on it at this time or the close future. They have not, however, given up their rights to the IP (by closing their doors and abandoning their IP, or by giving it a community license/open license (is that the right term?). They effectively have those rights for over 50 years or something (US patents office can confirm this) If they do not defend their IP they can lose it (long legalese here, but this is a very brief nutshell).
All fangames are in violation of the IP to one degree or another. Standoff & UE use ship model designs (IP) belonging to EA, the WC universe etc and so impinge, but gameplay content is their own development. Priv Remake is one step further, using more content from one of the original games (well virtually all content, just a different engine to play under today's computers). The next level up is ripping a copy of a game directly (copy the disks, or get from abandonware sites).
Hence, WCNews doesn't support links to abandonware & warez sites.
EA can request (at any time) that fan development cease (infringement on their IP). This can range from unofficially remaking their games to run on modern computers (PR), using their content to develop fan games (Standoff, UE etc), even to requesting that WCNews shutdown since it uses pictures, information etc which is part of EA's IP. Proviso of course is that someone gets their permission beforehand.
They tend to be lax in that as long as no one else profits from their IP, they basically let us support fandom WC - instant fanbase for any potential new titles - hence instant sales dollars. But, they still have the power anyway.
Is PR substantially different to the various other developments out there: Privateer: The Reckoning, Standoff, UE etc? Are those differences enough to cause problems? I don't know.
If it will cause a problem, we need to fix it. If that means shutting down PR, then so be it. Personally, I'd rather lose PR, than lose access to the whole WC universe/community. If it means getting some sort of unofficial or official permission (maybe with the understanding that downloads would be removed if EA developed a similar update/WC addition), so be it - it should be done.
Note: personally, I would have liked to have known about this and been able to resolve it - beforehand. LOAF, did this occur to you before you received those emails you mentioned?
As always, if I have any points wrong, please correct for me.