I'm not arguing that MP adds life to a game. My concern is only that the developers would sacrifice plot for MP. You have to admit that MP games don't have a lot of plot. The only MP game I ever really got into was Red Baron II. But in that case I ONLY played online and yes, eventually it got boring too. I'd rather have a GREAT SP game than a so-so SP game w/ MP capabilities.Originally posted by RFBurns
What would make WC different and more appealing than say FS or FS2 would in fact be the storyline and yes the FMV's. But what do you do after finishing the single play game and theres no multi play capabilities?
I don't know, these games have failed to knock WC off as the game-to-beat. It seems as though every space sim is still compared to WC. And if you consider that WCs flight model and AI were so-so at best can't we point to something else as the reason for WC begin the game that everyone gets compared to? I'm not saying that the FMVs were the only reason, more that the entire package (FMV included) caused the game to be great.But these other games that have CGI cutscenes dont employ that interactivity, but that is proof that the movie or cutscene is not the games point of sale, it is more like just another part of it if you look at the current games with FMV or CGI cutscenes.
Apples and oranges. I don't think that UO has any single player feature, does it? Its a MP only game with zero story as I understand it and appeals to a different gaming crowd.What makes those games continue to be played and sold is the multi player capabilities... Besides, if EA didnt think that a game with multi play capability would fly, why is there UO? Must mean something eh!
Originally posted by KrisV
The man is a fool. The two have nothing in common.
Originally posted by KrisV
That's just silly. If he was a real fan he'd enjoy a game of Wing Commander IV any day. People become dedicated Wing Commander fans because they get involved in the story. Although Wing Commander has always looked good, it's never been the biggest selling point. I'd love another multiplayer WC. I want Privateer Online more than anything. But that doesn't mean I no longer enjoy the games we have. The person you're talking about is either fictious, or he only played Wing Commander because of the bells and whistles. Or maybe he's a crackhead.
Hey! Thems fightin words! I've got nothing against MP games. I enjoyed playing RB2 online - it was great for a while but like most games interest lagged after awhile. The people I know that are heavy into MP ONLY play MP and largely ignore the single play. My fear of a MP WC game probably comes from the fact that I haven't been impressed with the single player aspects of most MP flight games.Originally posted by RFBurns
It amazes me how some here get defensive about putting multi play into a new WC game. Is it because some would not last long in a human vs human multi play game or has everyone gotten so used to the single mode and dont expect any future WC game to have multi play capabilities?
Again, my fear is that by trying to do too much on too many things they will only succeed in doing too little on the things that count.And to say that quality would get set aside for multi capabilities just means that they need more time to complete the game, and not put such time restraints on getting it out so fast they leave out key things like exploding cap ships, interactivity in the FMV's, more rooms to roam in on the carrier than just a bar, locker room and briefing room.
Adding MP won't make it innovative. Another MP "Race for the flag" or "deathmatch" won't impress me at all - it's been done way too often.I would bet multiplayer capability would help it alot and make it somewhat inovative since the last game of WC to have multi code was Armada!
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Most of the WC fans around now aren't into MP... remember, though, that MP was originally promised for WCP -- despite the teams insistences that it *could not* be completed in time for the deadline, EA continue to advertise it until the very end.
If you want to play MP WC, play Armada -- there really isn't anything else to *do* with a real person.