WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

EDIT: content of the post removed after the authors of the quoted Op-Ed removed it from their website to avoid problems within the community.
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I'm a problem child evidently. I'll check these files in a bit. Thanks
A comment on Steam that might help you:

"I had the same graphics problem when i updated my video drivers. You have to disable the graphics overlay. I have an ATI card, so mine was called Raptr. If you can find out what yours is called and disable it, it will work. It is a flaw with Homeworld itself."
I think we should try to get some Fleet Commander games going during the CIC birthday party in two weeks.
A comment on Steam that might help you:

"I had the same graphics problem when i updated my video drivers. You have to disable the graphics overlay. I have an ATI card, so mine was called Raptr. If you can find out what yours is called and disable it, it will work. It is a flaw with Homeworld itself."

Thanks I'll try it out. haven't has much time to play lately, been hiding out in the paint shop.
***** TOP SECRET *****

Terran Confederation Office of Naval Intelligence

Colonel, we have acquired additional information about the latest fighter craft deployed by the Union of Border Worlds, which will be forwarded to your attention.



The Banshee is a fast, light, fighter armed with quad laser cannons for fast firing capability. Very nimble, it is, by all respects, a respectable adversary in skilled hands, with the agility and speed of recon fighters, but the durability of medium fighters.



Addendum: we have been reported that the Border Worlders are currently installing on this fighters prototype guns, code-named "Leech" and "Scatter". The information about those remains limited as of now, but according to our information, the Leech system might be a directed EMP weapon potentially capable of neutralizing our own strikecrafts while the Scatter would be some sort of short-range, high-energy gun caracterized by a high dispersion of its shots. We know little about their combat capabilities, but advise caution.
Good news and bad news, everyone!

Good news: I updated the mod with the three Border Worlds fighters/bombers, updated missiles models and a fix for the resource bug.

Bad news: Gearbox published an update, breaking a huge part of the mod compatibility, so I'm working on it right now.
Oh my God, this is even worse than I thought. Those rank amateurs at Gearbox single-handedly broke every single mod ever for the game. For a game everyone bought for the mods.

This is a colossal disaster, on the level of the damn Behemoth. I am now trying to reverse-engineer a completely new file architecture from scratch.
It will seem like a running gag, but it's even worse than my impression in the previous post.

They changed the faction system. But also the game rules system. The AI system... And now I realize they changed the SHIP system as well! I will have to rewrite every single ship file ever!
It will seem like a running gag, but it's even worse than my impression in the previous post.

They changed the faction system. But also the game rules system. The AI system... And now I realize they changed the SHIP system as well! I will have to rewrite every single ship file ever!
I need to disable automatic updates for it for now, temporarily. Thank you for the warning.

Once again, a developer craps on a mod community. :mad:
I need to disable automatic updates for it for now, temporarily. Thank you for the warning.

Once again, a developer craps on a mod community. :mad:
Well, it's not really crapping. From what I see, the new architecture will help us do quite the flexible stuff, but ouch, the transition will be painful for everyone. I'm going to try and get the new version ready for the CIC Birthday Party as my present to you guys, but it's going to hit hard all the abandoned mod that were ported manually by people without knowledge of the stuff. Other mods should probably be up and running within a few days/weeks.
Correction, it's actually not as bad as my worst fears. I have gameplay now for almost all factions, my nightmare of ships being messed up seems to not be realized after all. Once the factions are actually working, I'll try to get back to the game rules system to have stuff like the fuel management system online.
Aaaaaaand done! I'm going to upload now the version 3.1 of the mod, with the updates indicated beforehand and compatibility with the new update. It is, however, a band-aid more than anything else. From what I saw, the building stuff works, the filtering to get fuel-enabled/disabled units works too and I haven't seen immediate CTD. The AI for the WC factions will definitely not work for now, though, since some of its scripts depend on a function that no longer exist (though I know how to bypass it now).

Oh, and enjoy the new logo for the mod, which might appear somewhere else online in a few weeks...


Happy birthday, CIC! X_X

Debriefing: OK, so the idea is that Gearbox, being a bit late to the party, finally decided to move its a** to make the game more "modder-friendly". To do that, their latest update changed quite a bit the internal architecture of the game files, with one of the most important changes being that now, each faction has its own dedicated subfolder instead of accessing common files for all. For example, until today, we had a single AI file that we had to tinker to have the CPU recognize which faction was being played and act accordingly. Same thing for the unit caps, we had to make a "general rule" and tons of specific exceptions if we wanted different factions to have different cap counts for their unit categories.

Now, you have a "Kilrathi" folder, and this folder contains AI files, tech tree files, building tree files, cap, and so on. Plus some additional shenanigans with the game rules and so on that I'm not experienced enough to understand that well. But, long story short, it's going to offer quite a few more possibilities to ambitious mods such as the ones from Phoenix Interactive.

A word of caution, though: GB warned us they will probably release later (no date given) new structural changes, including ones for the ships themselves. In that case, it would probably break the mods again, but I will try to patch that one ASAP when it will happen. :-)
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So do you take suggestions for ships to include with Border Worlder's stuff?

Because I have a biiig list of suggestions for things they might have...
I'm all ears. But I'm just the asset guy...:)

Some ships that might be of interest:
Rapier II
Free Trader
Drayman (Both versions)

Basically... start with the premise of, 'Confed has been selling their obsolete ships to the Border Worlds for quite some time' and 'The Border Worlds made several daring raids against several mothballed shipyards' and 'The Border Worlds has been tweaking civilian and militia tech' and similar...