WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

So... I was wondering... will the Border World make use of 'improved' versions of old ships? I was thinking that they'd make use of a lot of things like Demons, Artemis, Super Ferrets, Stiletto, Rapier, Gladius, Razor, Centurion, Errant, Free Trader, and so on. But I also think that they'd probably manage things like some modified Strike Sabres, and maybe even -- as a high end research project -- Morningstar or Wraith. Or even knockoffs of other 'not used' confed designs, like Crossbows? What about older capships like Exeter or Gilgamesh?

What do you think?
The Morningstar is pretty much planned to be the basic top-of-the-line fighter for the BW, and, yes, they'll use older designs.
Small content update with two new Confed ships:

* the Venture-class corvette. It's armed with four laser turrets and comes in pairs. Can be a painful surprise against fighters, is totally useless against bigger ships.

* the Prowler-class Special Ops ship. This beauty is a favourite of mine. Fast, sneaky, as expensive as a decent carrier. But for this price, you get in a corvette-sized package two laser turrets, one antimatter turret (which is a really bad surprise for anyone facing it), minelaying capability and a full-blown cloaking device.

Oh, and I modified the mines here to no longer show the tactical icon at medium ranges. So watch out where you are going, Kilrathi, because these nasties will ruin your day if you are chasing a "defenceless" target with your point defences already busy.
Small content update with two new Confed ships:

* the Venture-class corvette. It's armed with four laser turrets and comes in pairs. Can be a painful surprise against fighters, is totally useless against bigger ships.

* the Prowler-class Special Ops ship. This beauty is a favourite of mine. Fast, sneaky, as expensive as a decent carrier. But for this price, you get in a corvette-sized package two laser turrets, one antimatter turret (which is a really bad surprise for anyone facing it), minelaying capability and a full-blown cloaking device.

Oh, and I modified the mines here to no longer show the tactical icon at medium ranges. So watch out where you are going, Kilrathi, because these nasties will ruin your day if you are chasing a "defenceless" target with your point defences already busy.

Do you plan to integrate the bugs also, as a third faction? Would be cool :)
Do you plan to integrate the bugs also, as a third faction? Would be cool :)
It would mostly depend on the availability of good quality textured models.

Oh, and the uploader messed up hard when I tried to update the mod with the Prowler and Venture, meaning the files disappeared from Steam. I am currently reuploading everything. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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I can use pretty much all kinds of formats. Though, if you can, please keep the textures in separate files and try to organize each mesh into different submeshes so I can split them if they're too big.
By separate files do you mean different files for diffuse, spec, and bump channels?
OK, things are back to normal, mod working properly, and a small balance update after a multi game with @Lunawolf242: now Arrow, Hellcat and Thunderbolt flights will have three fighters instead of two. The Excalibur flights will remain at two because they're just that sweetly OP. Seriously, they are so damn fantastic at breaking the back of a Kilrathi attack you cannot not use them.
The Morningstar is pretty much planned to be the basic top-of-the-line fighter for the BW, and, yes, they'll use older designs.

Cool! Which? Also, maybe both types of Drayman and the old Escort Carriers that are fast but slow to launch fighters, maybe some weird variants of those civilian ships with weird modifications? How are you treating the Paradigm? What is their best capital ship? The Bengal carrier? Will they get the Phantom? What's their full list?
Cool! Which? Also, maybe both types of Drayman and the old Escort Carriers that are fast but slow to launch fighters, maybe some weird variants of those civilian ships with weird modifications? How are you treating the Paradigm? What is their best capital ship? The Bengal carrier? Will they get the Phantom? What's their full list?
Right now, we're not settled yet. I'm concentrating into getting the Confederation faction properly done, and only then will the actual work start on the last two factions.
OK, people, sending a new update, with turret mines and jump buoys now available through the scout transport, as well as icons for every Confed unit. The Confed should look decent now. Time for some actual balance work and additional features for them.

Feedback for balance would be appreciated. :-)
@L.I.F. Someone tried to burglarise my house, and had to fight them off. My family is okay but I suffered severe damage to my computer, and many of my belongings. I won't be able to assist in a couple of weeks until I fix the situation at my house. I was about to send you some files for the next release but it will be on hold once I can fix my computer.
Whistler reminded me about this mod... hadn't looked at mods at all for hw remastered. I got it up and running and decided to kill some AI apes. The AI didnt do much of anything but it was nice to see some old friends in space again blowin shit up :D

Gotta say Im lovin the upgrade trees and fluff text, unit balance, and well everything. Did notice that sorthak's have a hell of a time getting out of a bhantakara if its not level and that carrier feels the need to be above an enemy shooting down.

Think my fav moment tho was being focused on a group of 4 vaktoth and 4 pakthan as they insta-popped the Ranger trying to defend a confed mining operation. :D
^^ Yep, the dock path system is still causing a bit of an issue, and I'll have to learn more about it to make it smoother.
I was finally able to try this mod out tonight. Started with a Confed vs UBW game. Had a great time! Models look great and WC music and speech give it a great feel. Please keep up the good work with this, L.IF.!
I was finally able to try this mod out tonight. Started with a Confed vs UBW game. Had a great time! Models look great and WC music and speech give it a great feel. Please keep up the good work with this, L.IF.!
Heh, glad you like it. :-)

There are still quite a lot of things to add and to fix, though. Apparently, there's an issue with the saves in skirmishes, and the Kilrathi hitboxes are still weird as hell. In terms of new assets, I'll probably start next week the work over "hero" units, using alternate textures for some fighters.
tell ya what the (taiidan? or was it kushan?) battle cruiser just absolutely rapes anything my kilrathi fleet had, my fralthiII lasted all of like 2seconds.... and the AI cheats on resources I think.