WC 3 and WC 4 remake

Well... my point exactly.
So i really don't see a problem of designing a story in the wc future, nor do i consider it breaking the rules, and apparently neither do you.

On the other hand:

What if someone unofficially writes an amazing novel? So good, that most of the fun base consider it a good foundation? What happens than?

I'm not saying that i could to that, this was a completely different train of thought...
"What happens" is... nothing.

Fans liking something doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea. I give you Privateer Remake as Exhibit A. :p
Well... my point exactly.
So i really don't see a problem of designing a story in the wc future, nor do i consider it breaking the rules, and apparently neither do you.

Oh, no, I don't consider that breaking any rules at all - I took your original post to mean something else (described above). Obviously, though, a writer working on such a project needs to use some common sense in order to win the respect of his audience.

Case in point, the Wing Commander Aces club. The Aces are a now largely-defunct Wing Commander writing club from the early days of the internet (they've since split off into several modern units including HTL and the WCRPG group). They formed just after Wing Commander III came out and decided to write stories in the WC universe. What did they write about? Bringing back the Kilrathi Empire, inventing new super-fighters, making Blair *evil* and making up new star nations for their Mary Sue characters to lead.

... and you have to wonder - what where they *thinking*? Did they honestly believe that EA wasn't going to put out a Wing Commander IV that completely contradicted all of their massive changes? Wing Commander III was (then) the best selling game *of all time*. A little common sense (or at least less pride when it became obvious that Blair *wasn't* an evil space dictator...) would have been good -- it's really sad that this giant important writing group is now remembered as a cautionary tale rather than an important building block in the community.

What if someone unofficially writes an amazing novel? So good, that most of the fun base consider it a good foundation? What happens than?

Well, this goes back to what I said above - there is no automatic corellation between whether something is good and whether something is canonical. The most amazing fan novel in the universe will never be part of the canon referred to by future official stories... and the worst official novel in the universe *will*. Obviously a story can become beloved by fans and even developers... but at the end of the day there's nothing but respect preventing such a story's details from being contradicted later on (case in point - Star*Soldier goes with the WC Standoff designations for quite a few of the ships).
Minor nitpick:

HTL isn't separate from the Aces, just the WCAC's current "big" (well, okay, pretty much only, now) project.
Is it any good? I mean the HTL?

I must admit, since my printer is broken i'm a bit put off by e-books. And i don't like fan-made books :P

Btw. thanks for nice discussion. ;)
Well, apparently it's been good enough for several strong showings in the fansite awards that the CIC runs, over the years... :)

Anyway, HTL (or, fully, Holding the Line) isn't a book, e- or otherwise, but a collaborative effort between multiple authors (including me) writing in the same general plot/setting, in this case handling the secondary Nephilim invasion into UBW territory, during the events of WC: Prophecy.

It's purely fanfic (not at all official), but as LOAF noted that doesn't necessarily mean it's crap (I don't think it is, particularly my stories... but I may be biased just a weeeeee little bit :D ).

Oh, and if anyone is interested in taking a look, point your browsers here
Well, apparently it's been good enough for several strong showings in the fansite awards that the CIC runs, over the years... :)

Anyway, HTL (or, fully, Holding the Line) isn't a book, e- or otherwise, but a collaborative effort between multiple authors (including me) writing in the same general plot/setting, in this case handling the secondary Nephilim invasion into UBW territory, during the events of WC: Prophecy.

It's purely fanfic (not at all official), but as LOAF noted that doesn't necessarily mean it's crap (I don't think it is, particularly my stories... but I may be biased just a weeeeee little bit :D ).

Oh, and if anyone is interested in taking a look, point your browsers here

I agree with Death here, for the most part it's pretty good (I used to be a part of it when it first started. Oh my poor Valley Forge battlegroup....) a nice read if you are looking for some WC fiction.
Cool, thanks for the info...
One of these days, i'll have a look at it :D
Maybe someone should write down the "rules of engagement" considering the fan fiction?
The basic concept is a positive one, but I'm not sure it's actually an achievable goal.

The Wing Commander community's only real experience has been with the nasty Privateer Remake mess... but groups like Ultima and Sierra adventure game fans have longstanding relationships with these kind of projects which are, by and large, very negative. The team deciding that it either needs to 'redesign' the game in some basic way or deciding that they've done so much work and deserve to profit on it somehow seems to be constant outcomes. It isn't your job to decide that Ultima I needs a different story (and no spaceships!) and it isn't your right to sell Space Quest 2 to anyone no matter how nicely you redraw the graphics.

Ultima remakes especially fall apart in droves, often to the point of being shut down by EA. Note that well, prospective remakers - you need to be *very* careful... literally reusing all the same FMV and sound files is a lot more likely to get you and the community in trouble than Saga just copying WC3's 'look' (though I imagine even this team already knows to tread more lightly given EA's future plans for the franchise).

(Quick addition - there should also be a *reason* to remake the game. The Privateer group actually lost theirs early on, as DOSBox allowed anyone to play the classic game easily during the course of their development. With EA getting ready to sell Wing Commander 3 through services like GameTap and the PS3 Home service, a fan made remake doesn't seem appropriate.)

i know is late for this answers but im 100% agree with Loaf, and I will really love to see and play WC3 on the 360, I hope WC Arena sells well and make a lot of nosie, so we case see future WC games, I'm Looking fordware to play armada with you guys