so what do you want to see in the patch?

you have to use the mesher.exe in the bin/ directory to convert from obj to bfxm

to get from 3ds is more complex...and it's best to use deep exploration or (both free) to convert to obj
Haha! Not a lot into Bruce Willis personally. The guy who played Garth in Waynes World was WAY hotter.

(do I sound like I just popped out of the early nineties? ^^;)
There's a special place in hell reserved for someone who'd ask "Where is Godzilla when we need him?" in 1998.

(Deep Impact is one of my favorite movies. I can't say that it's a *good* movie... or at all *artistic*... but it's a lot of fun.)

(Edit: listening to the review - MSNBC got the last laugh in reality. I'm not sure what to think about that.)
I disagree with tom shales on a ton of stuff--but you have to admit the way he says stuff is bloody hilarious...
I actually enjoyed the movie a ton--but I don't remember if it was cus of the movie or cus of the pal I saw it with in order to write a movie review ;-) (we listened to this audio to help us craft our story)
yeah....but you ladies always say that to get compliments ;) so this statement o' yours is not to be trusted.

anyway, you're ideas are pretty nifty. maybe a bit overzealous ;) but nifty all the same.

and that comic was funny....gah, what a moron. lol

Brad Mick