so what do you want to see in the patch?

spiritplumber: you realize you're playing right into our hands...
after we release 1.0 in the next few weeks, we will fork the development and continue onto a wing commander universe fork which will have the whole universe--and all the ships from the appropriate timeframes (then hopefully eventually some code to detect where you are in the WC timeline)...anyhow that's not a reality yet...but it will be soon--and it looks like your patch will be the seed of such a reality
sweet! glad i'm being useful :) what i am trying to do is to get VS star bases into privr but with the textures etc. in the right places.

timeline wise... i am thinking between wc2 and wc3 from the look of things. i'd guess vindicators/avengers/hellcats to be the top of confed/bw technology.

maybe put a black lance base with wraiths somewhere hidden ;)

Also it would ROCK to see Durango carriers, they're just beautiful. (You know, the "catamaran" you're based on in WC4) It's an old design as people in WC4 mention a lot so it might fit in.
thats just sad that you want to change privateer man. it was PERFECT the way it was. Draymans and Galaxys and all those ships carrying figthers, riiight. Compare the size of the Galaxy, Centurion, Tarsus, and Orion to the ship dealer guy standing in the middle of the room. Not likely. Also, if you use something reasonable like...say, a cockpit on a ship, you can reasonably see the demon as being about the size of the centurion. This is the method i'd use for the ships of privateer, and then go off of actual data given in the tech manuals regarding Confed fighters seen in WC1-whatever is around in the timeline.

the game was setup for balance and playability. it's got three ships to represent three unique playing styles. but...whatever, who am i to say that questioning the actual developers who made perfection is wrong. just my thoughts. besides, that really defeats the purpose of a remake anyway. 'hey, i'm going to remake the greatest game in history, but spice it up a bit with some random i wishes to make it more interesting for myself'.

just my two cents.

Brad Mick

p.s. enough with the steltek and getting 4 steltek guns in some huge steltek war invasion. the steltek aren't interested in fighting....its why they left. they're not going to freaking invade confed space, and i highly doubt another relic is going to be lying around somewhere to give you the 'uber jump drive that was really created by god, and given to the stelteks because they are his favored one'. gah....
I'm really trying to make available stuff that was in the original game (you saw demons and draymen around but couldn't buy them). The Demon is a LOT smaller than the Centurion or even the Tarsus -- you can fit 1 in a Galaxy with upgraded cargo space and even then it takes up almost all the hold. The Drayman is a lot bigger and might carry some fighters, at the expense of cargo... I can imagine, say, a pirate crew adapting a drayman cargo bay to carry talons, or even having the talons piggyback on it and use it as a repair station and so on. I do agree that I may have overdone it with fighters a little though *blush*

As for everything else... i'm just making an add-on :) try the remake without my addon, it will rock your socks!
where do you find the demon as being smaller than the centurion? i don't get that at all. most of the civilian 'fighter' ships are pretty big.

edit: ah...comparing cockpits again, you'd be right. more the size of a stilletto.
BradMick said:
thats just sad that you want to change privateer man. it was PERFECT the way it was.
You are a off base criticizing someone for making patches and mods. What he is doing is not part of the game itself (at least not until WCU).

People can do whatever they like with their copy. HCL added a flyable Stiletto and Dralthi to the original. Standoff added a whole new game to Secret Ops. If Spiritplumber wants to make a new experience out of our game, let him. He wants it, why shouldn't he do it. Others can try it if they want, and if they don't they can ignore his patches. There is obviously some interest in them. I'm not going to site here and dictate what people should want.
thanks for the support ^^. i'm just trying to help with stuff that would get done anyway eventually... and i do guess i overdid it with the carrier capability though.

by the way, my name is Karen and I'm a girl... sorry for the occasional bad english
ah, sorry then.

i was under the impression this stuff was acutally going into the remake, that was my cause for alarm. if its an add all means.

a very dangerous admission there spirit, but cool. don't know many female WC players.

Brad Mick
i was under the impression this stuff was acutally going into the remake, that was my cause for alarm. if its an add all means.
You're absolutely right, it wouldn't be such a good idea if it was going directly into the remake. But since it's an add-on, and anyone can pick whether or not they want it (and believe me, it's much more fun with the patch), I think it's totally awesome!

a very dangerous admission there spirit, but cool. don't know many female WC players.

Me neither. Very cool :)
spiritplumber said:
by the way, my name is Karen and I'm a girl... sorry for the occasional bad english

Your english is perfect BTW!
And that's awesome! Represent!

And we love your patch and will certainly incorporate it all for the WCU fork (some is being considered for the final 1.0 release too, like the guards around perry)
spiritplumber said:
by the way, my name is Karen and I'm a girl... sorry for the occasional bad english

Haven't noticed any misspoken words yet. ;) Heck, you have better English grammar than most North Americans!

Anyways, you seem to have an interesting development for the VS engine. Like Hellcatv said, this would certainly seem to open the doors for the upcoming WCU project. What sparked your interest in VS/WC/Privateer?
again i'm very happy i can help :) still working on the autogen part... what i'd like to see all in all is, making some systems (like sol or kilrah or places that are important plot points) by hand and get the autogen to the point where it looks/feels right, i'm almost there.

also i want to add some stuff, like a kilrathi transport and some bw fighters so that systems have their proper flavor.

since i can't draw :( i'm going to do so by retexturing ship models and mating pieces of ships together.
you can also get wing commander ships (especially kilrathi ones) from the fan projects out there... we can try to hook you up with people from standoff and saga to try to get them to give you some models...

as for making specific systems you can see that you can overwrite the autogen'd ones by adding them to sectors/Kilrah/Kilrah.system

also the links outside of gemini are specified in wcuniverse.xml as "fulljumps" (just change that to "jumps" and delete the other line) that was so we could easily convert it back...I bet you figured those out already though--if you need any guidance on how it all works let me know

my AIM name is 4863215
and my ICQ name is also 4863215
you can contact me on MSN too ( )
if you'd like to chat in real time about how autogen works--it may not all be perfect yet
Oh, another thought. In addition to proton torpedos, it would be nice to also be able to by ship-killer torpedos similar to those in WC2, where one or two of them would take down a capital ship. These would have to be expensive, and perhaps only available at Perry to those with a very good reputation with Confed.

I definitely like the idea of more models. It's cool that people are chipping in to help make them available.
BradMick said:
i was under the impression this stuff was acutally going into the remake, that was my cause for alarm.
Understood. If you thought it was going into the game, you pretty much had to object :)
spiritplumber said:
again i'm very happy i can help :) still working on the autogen part... what i'd like to see all in all is, making some systems (like sol or kilrah or places that are important plot points) by hand and get the autogen to the point where it looks/feels right, i'm almost there.
Perfect. The plan was to open up the universe for WCU, which would make necessary exactly what you are doing. Having a good autogenerator will be excellent, and as people point out what we know about certain systems from the books and games, those systems can be hand tooled. Eventually this should be an excellent representation of the Wing Commander universe, with some extrapolation in the unknown systems :) Excellent work.
please tell me what bits of my patch you want to use in the 1.0 release (guards around capitol systems, some retexturing, whichever...) so I will fish it out of the mess for you. :)

I was thinking:

* bit of retexturing (pirate draymen with scorch marks and a skull-and-crossbones for example, and confed/militia/pirate markings on bases)

* garrisons around capitol systems

* linearity with turret buying

that it really... i hope i am not being arrogant ^^; just want to help.
you're not being arrogant...but that sounds like a good target for the 1.0 release

if you could get us a slimmed down pack without all of the "extras" so we can dump it in I'd be most pleased