Screenshots Release Thread

Say hello to the Hellcat...

Here's the Hellcat. It's my favourite ship, so it's the best ship of all. *Plays heroic march while a squadron of Hellcats flies by* :p

BTW you'll soon get those voiceovers Eder ;)


  • Hellcat.jpg
    68.7 KB · Views: 547
The cockpit could use a little (a lot?) more detail, but the textures are probably as beautiful as a Hellcat will ever get :p
Nice ...I like it a lot more than most of the other ships, it looks less like the product of a color-blind Goth and more like a real fighter :)
A superior model of a mediocre fighter.

Though to be honest, I never really had that much of a problem with the Hellcat.
Lynx said:
Here's the Hellcat. It's my favourite ship, so it's the best ship of all. *Plays heroic march while a squadron of Hellcats flies by* :p

BTW you'll soon get those voiceovers Eder ;)

excellent... I have to say you are becoming better and better :)

I like the bump mapping effect, ecellent job.

Cocpit could use some more finetuning though...

and, btw, could you send me a few samples. I didn't know you are doing voice acting :eek:

Btw, estimated release for the build 0.81 is one week. So far multiplayer support should be functional and wing commander saga server should be up and running. Right now we still have a few problems with the network performacne.
-looks at WC3 Warbirds sheet and at model, back and forth a few times-

Hmmmmmmm... the fusalage looks a little... I guess wide. Other than that it looks perfect.
Eder said:
The cockpit could use a little (a lot?) more detail, but the textures are probably as beautiful as a Hellcat will ever get :p

Don't mock the Hellcat! :p The cockpit needs either more detail, or it could also lookk that way because this particular model is rendered a little different to the others in FS. Normally, FS uses vertex based lighting, which looks better on round objects, which makes ships with lots of flat surfaces look a bit strange (Remember our -or Eders- Rapier II?), But in this case, the model is lit per face. I don't know what causes this, but in this case, the model looks way better(minus the cockpit) than with the normal lighting.

@t.c.cgi: The model proportions are exactly the same as in the WC3 version. Whoever modeled this (I think it was Sheherazade or Kruer) apparently took the original WC3 mesh and modified. At this point, I bow to everyone who works with models directly ripped from the games. Either the conversion screws the models up, or the guys at Origin hadn't ever heard of clean modelling. :D
Well, I'd either re-do the cockpit, or fix the lights back again :p

Could that be caused by holes in the model, or unwelded vertices? Just a thought...
Yeah, but I like the way this model, except the cockpit, is lit :p The model geometry is alright - I have no fecking clue what causes this.
And modelling isn't my main job in WCS, I have tons of other stuff to do. ;) Someone else will probably take care of it.

BTW here's a Thunderbolt WIP. I tried to give it WC3 overlays, but it still looked awful with them despite having higher res, more colors and other cool effects than the original. I mean, a violet Thud - WTF? I have try to figure smoething out to keep it Wc-3ish without making it look like crap :(


  • Thud.jpg
    69.3 KB · Views: 482
:eek: :eek:

This is awesome, Lynx. I had no Idea, that WC3-fighters can be improved to this stage.
But pls give the thunderbolt some blue or green stripes on the wings.

As for the hellcat, I could give the mesh a cockpit with a higher polycount (at least
I can try in TS 3.2). Do you think you can then texture it properly ?
Now that I think about it . . . I went back to watch the WC3 cutscenes. Bob's right. The wing and the nose are out of proportion.

I went back and captured the image.

Lynx said:
You can try, but I'm very afraid of texturing things in TS now, as you may know. ;) But I'll try what I can.

Don't worry, we also made it last time, even when it was a little complicated. But when
you have a good texture that i can use, I will texture the cockpit myself.

@Psych : Are you sure, that our thunderblt-model is out of proportions ?
Maybe it is just the picture, as fas as I know those models are ripped
directly from the old game.

Eitherway, it should be not to difficult, to correct it's measures. At least I could
give it a try.
Lynx said:
Don't mock the Hellcat! :p The cockpit needs either more detail, or it could also lookk that way because this particular model is rendered a little different to the others in FS. Normally, FS uses vertex based lighting, which looks better on round objects, which makes ships with lots of flat surfaces look a bit strange (Remember our -or Eders- Rapier II?), But in this case, the model is lit per face. I don't know what causes this, but in this case, the model looks way better(minus the cockpit) than with the normal lighting

It may be caused due to the low poly cocpit. As you know specular lightning is vertex based.

In the tech room it is not much of a problem, but in the game...

Because of the vertex shading, the moment one of the vertices of a highlighted polygon moves off screen, the engine stops drawing the highlight for the entire poly, this is particuarly noticeable of very bright highlighted sections of ships. Anyway, it's only a tiny thing, but I fear it could become annoying when you are flying close to a ship and only 5 or 6 polys are filling your view.

I just looked back at the beta you guys let me download. You guys have two Thunderbolt models. One's good to go, the other one's the ill-proportioned one that Lynx is trying to texture. So if you guys just work on the other one it should be good to go.
wait, wait, wait... which one do you refer to? The Confed one or the placeholder used for the Tbolt flown by pirtes?
Whew, just came home. :D

Psych, I'm for using the "ill-proportioned model". I compared the two models, the middlepart is a bit too thin, but everything else is alright, and it has much more detail than that one ripped from the game. Unless Starman can model wonders and modify the old model in a way that it has the same details as the one I'm texturing, I'll stick to it.

The pic I attached before looks funny because I took the shot in Modelview-The 3d perspective of that program is a little bit wierd, So the back part of the model is a bit stretched and looks actually bigger than than it is really.