Originally posted by Quarto
I think I will now reply to EW's ideas, because they even make sense .
Thank you, I feal honored.
***1. Multi-mission strikes - yes. 'Twas nice, though I was rather annoyed when I suddenly found out that when you die in the second mission, you have to do the first one again . Still, 'tis a neat idea.***
Yeah, that's why OSI would have to make it so you don't have to replay previous parts. And missions like that woud emphasize how hard some capships can actually be to destroy.
***We use WCP-like torps for taking out specific components, and we use more powerful, but slower, more cumbersome torps which target the entire ship rather than specific components, and cause damage to the ship as a whole.***
I like my idea better.
***And, of course, when they kill a ship, there's a big explosion, which I'm sure we all want ;-).***
Oui, we'd all like that. Though I'd rather that there was a huge wreck left after the ship blows up. Like in WC3, or the movie.
***4. Zorthak-like missions - perhaps, but I'm not sure. Somehow, I get the feeling that most players don't want to fly an unarmed ship.***
The Confed equivelant that you'd fly could have some light guns though, so the mission could still require you take out some light fighters and such. But I'd like a few missions like that rather than constant patrols.<G>
And one of youre objectives could be to lay mines at a jump point your fleet used, to even further slow down the enemy. IIRC, there were only two missions in all WC games that require you to drop mines (one in WC3, and one in Prophecy if you loose some missions earlier).
***5. 15-30 minute missions - I want to do something like this in the last mission for UE... but we'll see how that goes, and if it is done, we'll see if people actually enjoy it.***
If it's done right, it could work out. Just don't make it a long patrol route through 20 nav points.<G>
***Without the possibility of saving in the middle, it might be... difficult.***
Yeah, that's my point. Starlancer has tons of missions that can drag between 20 and 30 minutes (and even more if you run out of AB fuel) and they could be a pain sometimes.
Originally posted by steampunk
15-30min mission could be damned near impossible. And we'd probably run out of afterburner fuel. Not fun. But that might make for a nice save game system. Save during refuels.
Exactly, you cold always refuel. Prophecy already introduced us to refuling mid-mission, so running out of fuel wouldn't be a huge problem.
***Don't like he idea of having bigger torps to take down whole capships. Doesn't seem realistic to me. ***
Why not? There are many different torps in the WCU, that do different amounts of damage. So if instead of firing 3-4 torps at all components, you could fire off a 15m long torp and take out the ship with just this one. Of course it would travel slower, be less nible, and possible take more time to lock on. Or, more powerfull torps like this one could be saved for those super strong capships.
***Besides, you shouldn't have to take out the whole ship to destroy it. It should go down if you take out a few critical parts ...***
You don't have too, but sometimes it would be much easier to take down a capship in Prophecy if you didn't have to target individual components. You have to run from one end of the ship to the other, and if you're close to the hull you might accidentaly fire a torp at the ship, while the component is on the other side.
***And no capship battles till they improve the AI. Can you imagine getting hit by friendly fire all the time?***
Well, it wouldn't be fun to be hit by those triple particles of the Plunkett all the time, but in a middle of a battle two huge capships can't afford to watch out for friendly fighters that get lost between the two. If you get lost in the firefight and get hit by a friendly capship, tough luck, it sucks to be you.
You'd just have to do your best at staying our of their way.
[Edited by Earthworm on 12-24-2000 at 16:54]