Remake Manual

hmmm I see a y with quotes instead of a "bullet point" a lot of the time--not sure if it's my pdf reader or the pdf itself...


y" button 0 = Fire Weapon
(y umlaut = character 255)
hellcatv said:
hmmm I see a y with quotes instead of a "bullet point" a lot of the time--not sure if it's my pdf reader or the pdf itself...


y" button 0 = Fire Weapon
(y umlaut = character 255)

To me its fine (obviously), it should appear as a left facing arrow
Edits complete. I only changed about 20 things, 19 of which were extremely minor. The one big thing was a sentence I added about the reapir droid and toggling autotracking.

There are two word docs in that archive. One is with my edits in bold, italics, and underlined, so you can see what I did. The second is clean and ready to be distilled to pdf.
JKeefe's edits recorded, fixed a couple of spacing issues as a result, inserted more artwork and saved on size - go figure :).

Anyway, update now available on link in previous post (both .pdf and source).
and it's in! and looking absolutely fantastic...I should print one on my printer account.. use up those free pages ;-)
Lone Wolf said:
So, is it availiable for download?

Late Reply:

The links (previous posts) access both the latest finished .pdf copy and source for the .pdf which you can download. The 1.0.3 pdf version should be the one going into the 1.0 release and accessible there anyway.

Only download from here if there are any manual corrections or changes.