About the cutscene: I don't know if it's the same cutscene, because I've only got KSaga. If, however, somebody out there has the original Spec Ops, and the cutscene is different, please e-mail the cutscene to me. I'd really appreciate it (the filename is yahoo.v00).
And yes, Angel does say Kamekh. No one is disputing that part
About the Rigakh: I've just had another look at the Hha'ifra flyby (midgame.v08). The resemblence to the Rigakh conceptual sketch is far too uncanny. Granted, there are differences, but they're mostly a matter of changing the size of some elements, while the overall design stays the same. As such, unless LOAF can specifically prove that it is _not_ a Rigakh...
Also, note that a conceptual sketch does not always look exactly like the model that gets into the game. An example of this is the Drakhri sketch on the February page, the Dorkathi sketch on the May page, K'tithrak Mang sketch (June), and the Strakha Prototype sketch (December). In each case, the differences are minor, but nonetheless exist. Thus, we could technically assume that this is also the case with the Hha'ifra - the people doing the 3D model decided to "enhance" the design. I find it hard to believe that they would design two ships which are _that_ similar.
Oh, and I don't know where you got the five nacelles thing from, DH. The second pic on the July page shows the Ralatha Destroyer.
Death's Head: You can't view any of the polygon ships in WCNAV, although you can view their textures if you use TREMAN to extract them from the .TRE's. If you want WCNAV to view polygon ships, write to Matrix about it. The reason why he hasn't updated the program is because he's had no feedback about it. You can find his address in the text file with WCNAV, or you can just go talk to him (he posts in the Editing Forum, Fanfic, and Technical; he doesn't come to General though).