Question about the stats.

Earthworm: Bottom right is most definitely a Kamekh. So rejoice... What you saw was the Concordia taking down a Fralthra

Death's Head: Unless you get the file it asks for, it won't work in DOS. However, it will work perfectly in the DOS box in Windows. Copy it into the /gamedat directory of whatever WC you're looking at, and then run it like this:
wcnav ship.v16
(The above example tells you how to get it to display the WC 2 Kamekh file. In other cases, just replace the "ship.v16" part with whatever file you want do look at. Basically, all files with the .vXX or .vga extensions contain graphics.
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Um... LOAF, I just had a look at the WC 3 Ships Database. I don't suppose there is an explanation as to why the Kilrathi Starbase apparently looks like Mr. Kat?
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I honestly have nothing to do with the ships database, but I believe that's because they didn't have a picture. I dunno, though.

The Concordia blows up a Kamkeh, I have the animation right here...

Oh, and the Rigakh is much more streamlined than the Hha Ifra (which looks like a Ralatha with a flight bay in the front) and has no flight bay in the front.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG

[This message has been edited by Bandit LOAF (edited February 16, 2000).]
LOAF: How can you dispute the evidence when it's right here? Take another look at the picture in Earthworm's post.

Top Left: Fralthra
Bottom Left: The ship in the cutscene
Bottom Right: Kamekh

As you can clearly see, the ship in Bottom Left has a red front, just like the Fralthra. It has a black hole in the rear, just like the Fralthra.
And the engines. The Kamekh has six of them, while Bottom Left has two visible (and if it's a Fralthra, two more out of sight).
Finally, the wings. The Kamekh has two pairs on the sides of a reasonably flat hull. Bottom Left has a round hull, and at least one more wing visible (the sixth wing, we can assume is out of sight, like on the Fralthra).

Now, unless you've got a different version of the cutscene than I do...

Regarding the Rigakh: While I agree that it is more streamline, the big black hole on the front would appear to be a flight bay
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THAT'S the ship in the cutscene??

I thought I saw a Kamekh in the cutscene of WC2. Although the picture is one of a Fralthra.

Question: is the ship in the cutscene the same in KS as it was in the original Secret Ops line? I haven't gotten to that mission in KS yet but I played the original mission often enough and by my recallection, the ship was a Kamekh, although that was way back in the mid-90s. In the cutscene, when Angel talks to Tolwyn, doesn't she say something about the CORVETTE making another pass?

Could someone put up a Rigakh, I don't think I ever saw one.
Don't look conspicuous-it draws fire.

[This message has been edited by Death's Head (edited February 16, 2000).]
The Mr. Kat explanation:

We don't have a picture for the WC3 Kilrathi Starbase because it isn't featured in the game. The stats are from the game manual.

Barrie "Cpl Hades" Almond
I think thrak's ship has different placement of the nacelles becuase there are six instead of five.

BTW, I got the wc1, and wc2 ships to work in wcnav. How can I view the WC3, and WC armada ships? Is it possible to view the WC4 ships somehow?

Don't look conspicuous-it draws fire.
About the cutscene: I don't know if it's the same cutscene, because I've only got KSaga. If, however, somebody out there has the original Spec Ops, and the cutscene is different, please e-mail the cutscene to me. I'd really appreciate it (the filename is yahoo.v00).
And yes, Angel does say Kamekh. No one is disputing that part

About the Rigakh: I've just had another look at the Hha'ifra flyby (midgame.v08). The resemblence to the Rigakh conceptual sketch is far too uncanny. Granted, there are differences, but they're mostly a matter of changing the size of some elements, while the overall design stays the same. As such, unless LOAF can specifically prove that it is _not_ a Rigakh...
Also, note that a conceptual sketch does not always look exactly like the model that gets into the game. An example of this is the Drakhri sketch on the February page, the Dorkathi sketch on the May page, K'tithrak Mang sketch (June), and the Strakha Prototype sketch (December). In each case, the differences are minor, but nonetheless exist. Thus, we could technically assume that this is also the case with the Hha'ifra - the people doing the 3D model decided to "enhance" the design. I find it hard to believe that they would design two ships which are _that_ similar.
Oh, and I don't know where you got the five nacelles thing from, DH. The second pic on the July page shows the Ralatha Destroyer.

Death's Head: You can't view any of the polygon ships in WCNAV, although you can view their textures if you use TREMAN to extract them from the .TRE's. If you want WCNAV to view polygon ships, write to Matrix about it. The reason why he hasn't updated the program is because he's had no feedback about it. You can find his address in the text file with WCNAV, or you can just go talk to him (he posts in the Editing Forum, Fanfic, and Technical; he doesn't come to General though).
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The scene in WC2 SO, is the one I was referring to. I had the original game, which had better music, and sounds if you ask me. I haven't reached the mission in SO yet, as I just started WC2 in KS. If the Rigakh looks like Trak's ship, it's prolly because it is the same like you pointed out Quarto.

Hha'ifra has sweeping buldges in front that taper to a point, rather than looking more like a french curve, which the Ralatha does, and the other similarities just make it look more like the Rigakh.

The number of nacelles I got from counting them. I didn't use my fingers but I think I'll get the same number if I do. Five bright exaust points glow when the ship is moving, and incidentally, the are at the end of nacelles.

Don't look conspicuous-it draws fire.
To the rescue...

The Rigakh and the Hha'Ifra are *not* the same. Look at the engine nacelles and the forward opening -- the similiarities are because *all* the WC2 era kat ships looked similar. I can state for a fact that models existed for both the Hha'Ifra and Rigakh... although the Rigakh was never actually converted to .bmps and used in SO for space reasons. The Hha'Ifra is much wider, too. I have seen the 3D models for both, and they are different
The Rigakh is considerably more tube-like...

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
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Very well, LOAF. If that is the case, then I have no choice but to assume you're correct (you wouldn't lie to us, would you?
). But I disagree when you say all WC 2 era capships look similar. There are vast differenences.
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Erm, of course there are differences... but there are a lot more simliarities between the Hha'ifra and the Ralatha (the engine nacelles, particularly) than there are between, say, a Fralthi and a Ralari.
That's really not much of a comparison, because it was already pointed out how damned similar those two are. Meanwhile, have you tried to compare a Ralatha with a Fralthra lately? Or either of those two with a Kamekh?
So your point is that aside from the ones that are similar, they're very different

The Fralthra and the Kamekh both have the same rounded forward section -- and have similar (but notably different) configurations of their wings towards the back...

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
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Is it just me or does the Kamekh look like an overgrown X-wing?

Anyhow, if things do look similar....could it be that similar designers built them? Say the Kamekh and Fralthra were designed by Clan A, and the Ralatha, and Hha'ifra by Clan B.

Just seems likely. Say with the WC3 era ships being built by yet another clan(or just designed). It could explain the various different designs.
Actually, the Fralthra's hull is much more rounded than the Kamekh's, which is more flattish. Also, the bridge is constructed differently, the rear sections of the two craft are totally different, and the wing configurations are about as different as that of a biplane and a jetfighter.

Question: Can the Kamekh land planetside? It looks like it could (that would explain a lot about the design)...

Nob: The Kamekh does not look like an overgrown X-Wing. Granted, they're both spacecraft, and they both have a hull and two pairs of wings, but the similarities end there.
Except for those that can't (just covering all the bases...)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC

[This message has been edited by TC (edited February 17, 2000).]
Most ships... Surely you just mean the fighters? I mean, how would a Fralthra land with that wing sticking out underneath? And even if it landed... Well, it's not a particularly aerodynamic design. How would it take off?