Question about the stats.

I did indeed. The storyline says it's a Kamekh, but in the animation, it doesn't look quite like a Kamekh... If you look at the wing structure, you will notice that there is an additional wing on top of the hull. Only Fralthra have those. Furthermore, there is the black hole (hangar entrance?) at the rear. A Kamekh does not have one of those, either. And it can't be a Ralatha, because they don't have this sort of wing structure. That means that it's got to be a Fralthra.

Earthworm: Matrix says that he'd appreciate any feedback in regards to WCNAV (what works, what doesn't, what he should add, etc.). This also goes to anybody else who's using WCNAV, by the way. No feedback means no future versions
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What exactly is a Kamkeh?

There is a Kamekh in the SO line which is indeed a kamekh but it is a cutscene where a PTC shot was taken.

One of the first missions in WC2, the Concordia deystroys a Fralthra, I guess it depends on which scene it was that he's talking about.

Quarto, tried wcnav but I get "no DPMI Get csdpmi*"

[This message has been edited by Death's Head (edited February 14, 2000).]
"WC2 Kilrathi Corvette."

It's also in Priv, and some of the novels.

Death's Head, IIRC, there is no cutscene showing the Concordia destroying a Ralatha, it's done during the mission. The scene where the Concordia fires the PTC, is almost at the end of SO2, and it shows the beautiful shapes of that ship.
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Hey um speaking of Kamekhs and Fralthras...the ship database has the pics reversed....or did they mistake the shape of the Kamekh and Fralthra in Privateer and add a Fralthra shaped "corvette" as a Kamekh instead?

And I think Death's Head was asking what the Kamkeh(a typo obviously) was.

"I hope you make it, Tarkington. Just don't pull the handle till after we've hit. Promise me."
"I'm behind you all the way CAG..."
-Captain Jacob Lee "Coolhand" Grafton, and Lieutenant Robert "Toad" Tarkington, Final Flight
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Ummm... The entry is right (I didn't actually check, I was too lazy, but I was in #wingnut so I asked...)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Alas! someone finally caught what I meant.

Who said anything about a RALATHA??? It sure wasn't me. I didn't say it was a cutscene where the FRALTHRA was popped, I said the cutscene was with the KAMEKH and that it was during one of the first missions in WC2 that the cruiser was blasted.
There was no Fralthra in P1.. The Kamekh picture we have in the P1 section of CIC Green is correct..
I meant the one in the WC2 section. It shows a Fralthra as a Kamekh(and vice versa), while the Kamekh in the P1 section which is right is the same silhouette as the WC2 "Fralthra" pic.
Uh... I did say that it _was_ a Kamekh in the storyline. But, if you look a the cutscene, you will clearly see that it is not in fact a Kamekh, but a Fralthra.
Now, I'm not saying that the storyline should have been changed. All I'm saying is that what is _actually_ shown is a Fralthra.

Take a good, careful look at the cutscene. It is _not_ a Kamekh.
In regards to Nob's post. He's correct. You've got the Fralthra and the Kamekh images the wrong way round.

And while we're on the subject of WC 2, are there any stats for the Rigakh-class Cruiser? I always wondered about that one.

Death's Head: Did you run WCNAV in DOS or in a DOS box in Win9x? (You're supposed to run it in a DOS box)

[This message has been edited by Quarto (edited February 15, 2000).]
You're right regarding the Fralthi/Kamekh at the ships section.

There are no stats for the Rigakh class cruiser -- but there's a sketch of it in the Kilrathi Saga Calendar. They prolly did a rendering, too...

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
OK, I don't want to sound stupid, but what the hell is the Rigakh class cruiser? From what game is it?

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
Sigh. That's what I though, LOAF. A pity, too. It looked like a hell of a ship.

Earthworm: The Rigakh Cruiser is a relatively unknown ship from WC 2. You see it on the July page of the KSaga calendar. It's also mentioned once in WC 2 SO 2, when it starts bombarding Ghorah Khar.

It is also my belief that the Hha'ifra is a Rigakh - at least they look _very_ similar.
Quarto, and everyone else, I just looked at the pictures I took with WCnav, and in that cutscene it IS a Kamekh, and unless the CIC already fixed the CIC ship database, the Fralthra, and the Kamekh are in the right place (that is unless I have the Fralthra and the Kamekh confused).

And the ship showed under the name Rigakh from the side view of a cockpit, in the KS manual looks a lot like the Ralatha from the game. However the concept art does look like the Hha'ifra, so maybe the CIC SD should change that too.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited February 15, 2000).]
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The Rigakh cruiser is something referenced in Secret Ops 1. It was a model that was sketched (as seen in the KS manual), but never rendered/used. The 'real' picture in the KS calander is a Ralatha, and not a Rigakh. The sketch is *not* the same as the Hha'ifra, though.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
So the Hha'ifra stays a Hha'ifra class dreadnought? Well, it does make sense that the ship Thrak would get was the first in it's class.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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Earthworm: I can't post images here because I don't have a web page. I've just sent you the visual proof though. Kindly put the image up on your page and then throw it in here. It's only 8kb.

As for the Rigakh. The real picture is indeed a Ralatha. And the Hha'ifra... Well, I wish I could say that they're the same ship, but they're not 100% the same. However, they are fairly similar. Their front sections are just about identical, in fact. But there are some significant differences around the engines.
Unless you're wrong, and the ship at the bottom right is a Frlathra, then I gues I did have two ships confused.


A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited February 15, 2000).]