Ok. Unusually enough, I got through
two missions today. And I didn't even get especially angry. It's nice to be able to fly the Arrows for a change (though I've been warned I'll get fed up with Arrows before the game is through...). I'm always addicted to speed, and naturally, I almost got killed in the first Arrow mission by afterburning through Pegasus base. You know how it is, the end of the mission, heavy damage... but you just gotta do it. Back in WC3 & 4, I also died a few times while doing that. Fly-through hangars are just so much fun.
What isn't fun - and I'm surprised I only caught on to
why this bothers me after ten missions - is that Freespace shake you get every time you hit the burners. I had previously noticed that combat distances in Saga tend to be a bit bigger than is usual in Wing Commander. You just don't sit close on the enemy's tail that often, unless it's a Pakhtahn or a corvette... why is that? For me, the answer lies in that afterburner shake. I always used afterburners a lot. I was constantly trying to get as close to the enemy's tail as possible - often, I would reduce my speed to match the enemy, and then I'd use burners to nudge myself in closer for the kill. This doesn't work in Saga, because afterburners are uncontrollable, if you try to use it in short bursts, your screen is shaking all the time. You just can't aim that way.
That's probably another reason why Saga's fighter-to-fighter combat is just less fun than classic Wing Commander. The Kilrathi are harder to hit (what with the lack of collision spheres) and the player can't use afterburners in short bursts to compensate. I suppose you guys must have gotten used to it, after working on Saga for all those years - and I suppose I would enjoy myself more if I didn't carry all my WCP/Standoff habits along with me. But that's not possible
Capship combat, on the other hand, is often more enjoyable in Saga than in Standoff. Using the WCP engine, you don't get to have destroyable engines or anything else like that. And while you get to destroy turrets on most capships, you don't ever get to destroy that annoying rear turret on a Kamrani corvette (and I distinctly recall doing that
a lot in WC3).
However. That second Proxima mission - gah, more capship missiles, and more scripting! This time round, the scripting fooled me into losing the primary objective (which, thankfully, didn't result in having to replay the mission - a fact that actually kinda surprised me). Just as I got used to the capship missiles blowing up harmlessly, the last two missiles of the second wave actually didn't blow up harmlessly - instead, they knocked out a transport. I didn't much appreciate this, it felt like I'd been lied to.
Also, did I mention shooting at capship missiles is the least enjoyable thing you can do in Saga? Oh, I did? Oh, repeatedly, even? Well, I'll say it again, because it's true
. The game would be far better without capship missiles. Or if you could at least hit them. Oh, well.
There was more anger-inducement during the first Kamrani attack on the convoy. I was a good boy. I took out the bombers first, along with the capship missiles (in spite of the fact that they were blowing up all by themselves - better to be sure, right?), then I went after the corvette. And just before it was about to die - bam! It launches a capship missile and takes out a second transport, failing the primary objective. I was able to avoid a repeat situation at the next navpoint by going after the corvette first - it still fired a couple more capship missiles, but at a big enough distance where I could still manage to intercept them.
Well, all right, I guess I'm willing to chalk that one up to my personal incompetence. A good pilot would have managed to destroy all the corvettes before they could hit the transports. But I still don't like it
. It's not nice to punish the player for doing things in the most logical order.
I didn't much like the structure of this mission, either. Too many navpoints, too many intercepts. I would have compressed it more, into maybe three encounters - first you just get missiles, then you get the corvette, and then you get the destroyer group. That would make for a nice escalation, which I felt was spoiled a bit by having two identical corvette encounters.
On a final note, I was a little disappointed to see a Zakhari-class frigate. I mean, I loved seeing it - and I got a personal kill, too (with an Arrow - nice). But just because the Arena manual didn't confirm (or deny) the existence of a Targu II class doesn't mean you couldn't have used the name
. I admit, adding a II to a capship name wasn't the most creative thing we could do in Standoff, but it seemed to make sense (after all, the Fralthi II cruiser came from the same time period).