hellcatv said:
when the game crashed what were the symptoms
did windows say "Vegastrike has generated errors and will be shut down" did it give you a chance to see which dll it had failed in.
What were you doing at the time? At base? Flying?
My guess is that SS kicked in and hung.
When I've had hangs, SS is still loaded and "running," which causes a re-load issue. LONG wait for the game to load, only to find that SS is now loaded twice.
To be honest, I've noticed double loads of OTHER programmes in TaskMan when I've had system problems. Usually an orderly softboot fixes the problem. With this, SS has stayed flaky. I even tried running with nothing but my usual anti-spy software. ANd thinking about anti-spy, I MIGHT have to dig, but the telnet issue MIGHT be prevented by one of those.
hellcatv said:
I figured out why the music didn't work for you ;-)
there was this pesky file called timidity.cfg in your priv/ directory
that file is death to midis!
to fix it type svn update in your priv/ dir
or delete that file (or both)
Hrm. . .
It'll be faster to just rename timidity to timidity1.cfg and run it.
I'll get the latest copies of the derrs to you and I'll save them each crash/system hang from now on.
MamiyaOtaru said:
haven't noticed any clipping errors here. I would echo hellcats comment that the distance is given from the center of the object, but no objects that I can think of should have a radius of 3000.. You can dock at planets at a range of 2950 or so and have room to spare before colliding (lol) with it, and there really isn't anything significantly bigger than a planet. If you are colliding at 3000, it bodes some sort of problem.
Gah I have to get out of Colorado and away from using a dialup connection on someone else's computer..
Distance. I'll record them, and I'll do the outside the ship gig when I come in for a landing, WHEN I CAN. If I set the difficulty slider WAY down it will help. It seems that with it set at medium, I always have pirates on hand and I really never did learn to dog-fight outside of my cockpit -- assuming you can.
Umm, you really don't "BOUNCE" off a plannet, you go through it. That's how I knew I was hitting Helen when my targeting radar said 2700. I was in the clear again. Measuring distance from the centre? Well, the screen shows NOTHING but base ond or world and it's getting pixelated and my radar showed just under 3000. The next landing it looked normal. It seems to walk in on you over six or eight landings and then starts over.
Colorado. . .
When I lived there, I couldn't wait to get away. The first place I lived out there was Hudson. Then Slummit County, then Aurora, then Wheatridge and. . .
It seemed more like a police state than anything else. In the Metro Denver area, you DO have broadband, but at a price.
HellcatV, I HAVE noticed a frame rate issue,to co-incide with the fonts, now that you mentioned it. When at the launch pad. There is a breoadsword, I believe, that comes over the horizon. Darn does it move slowly. But if it went any faster, I think the searchlight would look a riot.
In battle the frame rate, not an issue. It's smooth, and actually FEELS right. Just the right inertial drift to coincide with thrust. Feels VERY GOOD there. The tarsus seems a bit more like a truck, which it SHOULD, but it's truck-like behaviour is VERY predictable and can be used to your advantage. Now if I just had a bit more firepower. . .