Please Try Original Campaign

Almost through the campaign... the You Know What that follows you around after getting the Thingy from You Know Where doesn't seem to work very well yet either. It was red hostile, at least, but it seemed to have difficulty moving (didn't follow very well) and never fired at me that I could tell (and I was watching it with f8 after the first jump), and it responded to my comms. What was worse, after I docked, got paid, and took off again, it was friendly green! So I flew in nice and close and blasted it with full guns (3 tachyons plus the Thingy) and dual torpedos, and it blew up.

I don't suppose there's any way to hide the Beta, Gamma, and Delta Prime jump points until they're supposed to appear, is there? I can't wait to see the You Know What when it gets as scary as it should be, and maybe lead it through Kilrathi space to see the fireworks...
ya we gotta make it scarier... we also gotta make sure it stays hostile and "holds our allies hostile" as well ;-)

as for the jump points...well for now they really aren't important until the part in the campaign where they need to get activated... so if you go just go into dangerous/unhappy territory ;-)

glad you got this far...have you taken the mission to kill it (I think it respawns for that if you've already managed to nail it...just to make the story make the original I believe you could take it out with proton torps)
In one Mission a Talon Killed my ship in one shot. It fired some sort of beam. It was white and VERY VERY powerful. However, I played it again and nothing went wrong.
i think we have some left over vega strike beam weapons in the weapons list...
it prolly was equipped with one.

Yes they do, one had this huge blue beam and it was still firing it as the camera panned away from the shattered piecs of my li'l tarsus

It's bad enough that one talon with 3 lasers is MORE than a match for that tiny ship... but beam guns? Eeeegh.
The Thingy also seems to be at full power right when I got it... now that I've had a chance to use it, it smashes dralthis in two shots, and is powerful enough to take out You Know What without the help of any other weapons (although I didn't actually take out You Know What's shields; it seems to do a considerable amount of damage directly to the armor/hull).

Also, I am having a more serious problem with the last plot mission. On my way to Blockade Point Tango, when I jump into Nitir (which, as I recall, is where You Know Who shows up), the game reliably crashes. Let me know if you need anything to reproduce this.
And all those fighters with torps are SCARY. Especially the plot missions (like the Palan series) where there's a bazillion of them and they all spawn around you at close range.

Even my kitty friends with a kamekh and a half-dozen dralthis were no match for them. They were a useful distraction though, while they lasted. That has to have been one of my better dirty Privateering tactics... advance the plot and get another boatload of cash for taking a mission that actually made things easier ;P
yes... please post your stderr.txt and stdout.txt logs from a game where it crashes (email them to
privater atsign
this is very important to us! last time I tested it, it worked fine--so I'm not sure we're going to see the same behavior...
It fixed the crash, although what happens afterward doesn't seem to work perfectly. The ship encountered in Nitir doesn't bear much resemblence to the one in the original Privateer (and I always got the sense that it was a really big ship), and I assume the auto-jump is intentional as well, but when I pop into the next system, the confed ships don't do anything at all, just cruise on in a straight line. I had no trouble finishing the mission though, and I think I actually got the target to shoot at me once (although the screen was all white from the jump for some reason, so I couldn't really see it happen).
we need a lot better art for the steltek ships :-( I think scheherazade's working on that
what we have now is C- grade material left over (and out) from Vega Strike

it's odd that confed doesn't engage the drone...I'll have to check into that...
you could still use them as a shield--again the drone needs some strengthening
at least the patch fixed the crash
Rest is by (poor) design
I've had some trouble doing the exploration missions. After I scan all of the points, the mission doesn't complete. I end up with a list of fulfilled objectives stuck on my screen. They count as an active mission on the computer, but the explorer lady still gives me the mission to go to the next system.
Hokay, thanks for the font fix while I wait for the new card.

Umm, AI is really AFU.
I just started out in my trusty Tarsus with NO UPGRADES, went through a flock of pirates, had multiple missile locks, SOme were DEFINITELY Friend or Foe missiles, those have at least 900Kps velocity, right? and I was heading from Hector to Helen. I flew more than half way back to Helen with the Pirates shooting at me. I think, I REPEAT THINK I had a sympathetic detonation infront and above me from a blaster shot. My shields didn't even diminish. That was the only hit. Not one missile. and I just sat back with my cross hairs on Helen and put-putted on at 299K never once touching the Joystick except to correct course drift due to a joystick that I've had since I first got a sound card in 93 or 94.

Ogg files work.
Wav files work.
Midi files DO NOT work. Prolly the CMI audio Chip on my MoBo. Plays them fine through WinAmp, Media player 6.4 and 7.x, but not in the game. Gotta be a driver/SS compat issue. I'm not sweating it. OGG files work fine.

SS is quirky. I had no music one play. Next time I started the game I had a fast metronome clicking, almost like the Midi was playing through at quad speed or better. I think part of the audio issue might be sample rates. I'll give the files a looksee and let you know.

I've had one game crash since the last one we experienced, but I haven't been able to duplicate it, so I'm going to blame it on my e-mail programme running in the background.

Files running in the background while I'm playing are:
Firefox Mozilla browser. At least FIVE instances of it.
Doze Word for Doze. 2K
Thunderbird Mozilla Mail/news client.
Doze Explorer I STILL call it File manager. I guess I've had a Doze system up and running around here for far too long. FOUR separate instances.

Not to mention the normal background stuff like my CMI Audio Mixer, Quickshelf 99, BHO DEMON, PGPnet, SpyBot S&D, Web Window Killer, Nero In CD, Lan Connection monitor for my DSL, active Mouse driver tray. All running with 512 MB RAM.

I'll blame the game crash on an e-mail delivery of over 20 spams in a 30 minute period this AM.

I'm learning to fly all over again. I really enjoyed crashing into Achilles and splashing into one of the oceans on Helen. Bounced off it. LOL. DO NOT change that. I'd rather bounce off the planets than be sucked into them during a dog fight. We can think of an alternative to bouncing off the planet surface later. Like maybe an apparent "force field" to keep you off teh bases and the planets until you either request docking or you press D inside of 3000K.

Thanks for the help, I'll keep skimming the rest as I go.
Commodity Pricing is strange to say the least.

Why can I buy furs on Achilles for less than I can on Helen, an AG planet? Wood is about even and. . .


I have a few hand written trading sheets I'll transcribe to Open Office's spreadsheet programme and get it to you over the next day or so. You want it comma separated CSV right?

Five runs to Helen and back to Achilles and Hector and I have over 41,000 credits with no cheats? ODD.

Should I really be able to amass that much liquid capital that quickly? I like it, but it seems odd.

Travelling between bases is strange. I'll have to look more at what's around me, but I seem to be popping out of auto-pilot at the half way point more often than not. Maybe it's just me, but I don't remember poppingout so far away.

umm, maybe it's a function of the Mark-II BUT, I'm bashing into the bases with distance to target reading 3,000K or more. Is it me or has something gone haywire?

The next flight it will work fine. ??????????? I'm still in Troy earning my grubstake by flying cargo between bases. Generally Helen to Achilles to Hector to Helen and back.

check the outside view--I did futz with the collision system a bit--hopefully I didn't throw it off kilter since 008.... that would be a shame--it was a lot of work to get it working on the outer rim of sol...
just hit F5 and see if you're actually bumping into something--- the distance reading is a little misleading because it's to the center of the object not the surface.

the crash is really worrisome--008 had no such crashes... generally save the stdout.txt and stderr.txt before you relaunch the game and send those to me if you had a crash.
it could be a driver issue however... or that soundserver issue you ran in before

see if you can cause a crash by hitting cntrl-s a bunch in flight... or alt-s even...

Commodity pricing needs fixing--we're waiting for measurements of appropriate cargo quantities at the bases before adjusting the prices... if someone had those they'd be much appreciated
when the game crashed what were the symptoms
did windows say "Vegastrike has generated errors and will be shut down" did it give you a chance to see which dll it had failed in.
What were you doing at the time? At base? Flying?