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Long Live the Confederation!
I'm confused here, how am I starting a fight.
Are you familiar with the concept of 'trolling'? Essentially, bringing up a topic knowing that there will be a violent reaction. I'm not accusing you of anything, but know now that the "movie versus game" issue is one of these topics -- it has been done to death dozens of times, and there has been an unspoken agreement *not* to keep arguing it.
Blair in the games is not a pilgrim.
Answer me this, then. How do we know that he is not a Pilgrim? Is there any scene in the games that would in any way imply that he is *not* a Pilgrim? I'm aware that you cannot prove a negative, so will give you a chance to do the opposite -- is there any scene in the games where Blair's religion is stated?
There are no pilgrims in the game.
There are no toilets in the game. Are you so incredibly anal that you honestly believe that just because something dosn't appear in the game means that it cannot exist?
Therefore the movie contridicts the most important canon of WC. The Games. Acadamy and the books don't contridict much, so they count, except in those instances where they contridict.
This statement is meaningless, as you have provided no reason why Pilgrims cannot exist in the game. If Academy can tell us that Archer served on the Tiger's Claw, why can't the movie tell us that Pilgrims exist? Nay, rather, I think you just don't like the movie.
This is how all multiple formats are done. The original format is Absolute canon (like the star wars movies for example). Books then are generally canon as long as they don't contridict the movies (star trek books contridict the series and movies regularly, so are not considered absolute canon.)
My good sir, you are mistaken. Star Wars and Star Trek have had their definitions of canon explicitly layed out by the owners of their respective copywrites -- as has Wing Commander. Each one is different.
Ok, so the kilrathi can both be hairless and furry at the same time. the ships can be straight out of starlancer and not resemble WC game ships at all and be the same.
It has already been pointed out that the Kilrathi look different in every game, but I note further that the Kilrathi in the movie are not hairless -- they're just not as hairy as the ones in the games. Is it impossible to believe that a creature could be capable of both having and not having facial hair (to drive home the point, Kilrathi with little facial hair *do* appear in the games)? If it would help prove your point, I would be more than happy to shave off my beard...
Although I would like to go with the obligatory 4dfx card joke, I must note that most of the ships seen in the movie are *not* the same ships seen in the game.
Blair is a pilgrim yet for the entire run of the games no one feels that they have to mention it.
Amazing, no one ever talks about Blair's religion? Pray tell, do we ever hear about *any* of the characters discuss any such things in relation to any of themselves?
Starlancer has been in the works since DA was formed pretty much. It has a very strong ww2 look and feel.
I must note that Starlancer was developed by the UK-based Warthog, not in-house at Digital Anvil's Austin studio -- where most of the movie's 3D work was done. I also note that a little-known gaming series called Wing Commander also has a 'very strong ww2 look and feel'... I wonder, if they tried to make a movie of Wing Commander, would it have a 'very strong ww2 look and feel'?
WC movie also was in the works from the beginning pretty much. It has a ww2 look and feel.
Ahh, I see! Thanks!
It was pretty much a mutual thing probably, but the point is that the WC movie does not have a WC game feel.
Now I don't see -- the game and the movie are both based on the concept of WW2 in space... so why aren't they the same? Rather, I think you're admitting that your personal distaste for the movie has come into play during your argument.
It does not look nor smell and barely acts like WC.
You're just being overly-verbose in the hopes that no one will realize you have no actual argument. Please, the movie didn't smell like Wing Commander? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
The differences in the feel of the games and the movies is almost as bad as the difference in Highlander 1 and 2.
And we all know Highlander 1 and 2 weren't supposed to be related to eachother!
I have no problem using my imagination,
Be very, very thankfull that I'm not one for taking the obvious joke.
it is just obvious that they are two completly seperate worlds.
Oh, here's the argument of the century -- It's obvious that I'm right and you're wrong! Oh dear, the bucket I keep under my chair to catch extra sarcasm is full...
The Blair of the computer games was not a stupid pilgrim.
To simplify my earlier request: prove it.
They did not fly around in carriers that looked exactly like subs and fired broadsides (which in space is a fairly stupid idea anyway). He did not battle hairless hamsters.
Oh, now you're just being mean. Remove that and you get a description of any early Wing Commander game. They *did* battle Kilrathi and they *did* fly around in WW2-esque ships.
If someone had written a fan fiction that had the EXACT same story as the movie, everyone would have laughed their butts off at it. Why?
Recall that new term I introduced you to above... trolling.
Because it has nothing to do with WC.
Oh, Vondoom, you're *so* right, Wing Commander has *nothing* to do with Wing Commander. And now I've got sarcasm all over this nice rug.
The writer of the WC movie did not want to copy the games but create a world based off of them.
Uhm, no, *you* didn't want to have to accept the fact that the movie told a perfectly adequate story in the Wing Commander universe and so wrote it off as being some sort of alternate-whatever. Don't put thoughts in the heads of others -- unless you've spoken with the writer of the Wing Commander movie.
The same way the writer of the X-men movie did not copy the comics but used elements of them to create something new. The X-men history is not any different because of the movie, the movie is a seperate entity that stands seperate from them. Same as the Batman movies. As should the WC movie.
But it's not.
In every game they look a bit differant, but they all had hair at least,
You're rather hung up on this hair thing... dare I make the obvious fetish joke? Rather, take a look at the guards in WC3's intro scene. Or several of the Kilrathi ace cards in the CCG. The moral of this story is that cats can shave, presumably.
and the pilgrims were humans who thought they were better than normals because of their abilities.
Oh, gee, I don't know anybody like that, do you? *cough*
They were not humans who thought the kilrathi would win so it would be best to side with them (Mandarins) or frontierspeople who have moved to the fringe of human space to start new colonies (border worlds).
And we *all* know that there are only two kinds of people in the universe -- Mandarins and Border Worlders. Oh, yuck, there's like a half-inch of standing sarcasm on the floor.
The reason Blair in WC2 was sent off to a nowhere post is becasue Towlyn thought he was a traitor and had made up the cloaking kilrathi ships because no one else had seen them.
Hey, you understood the introduction to Wing Commander 2! I'm so proud... you deserve a refreshing Coke(tm).
It had nothing to do with him being a Pilgrim. It would have been mentioned by many of the people who didn't trust you if he would have been. Someone would have used it as an insult.
Yes, I'm sure it's *very* legal to argue in a court that someone should be put to death because of their RELIGION! Sarcasm joke #4 goes here.
Its just weak to say that it could be when it is obvious that the movie was not intended to be ripped straight from the games but was meant to be an entity of its own, seperate from them.
Come now, don't resort to personal attacks.
Why doesn't Tolwyn mention it, or Jazz, no one feels like mentioning this important fact in any way shape or form.
Again, has the topc of religion ever entered into any discussion in Wing Commander?
And I said the books COULD be considered AS LONG AS they DID NOT CONTRIDICT the games. The WC3 and 4 novels are not canon since they are based off of the games, inspired by those specific games, they are not official history.
Provide examples or do not try to start fights. Simple?
This will be my last post on the topic since nothing is being resolved anyway.
This is a case of differing opinions and no one is getting theirs changed so we're just wasting space. I leave you to your opinions and myself to mine.
Actually, I'm rather excited by this thread... people who once violently disagreed have changed their minds. IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!
(Wait, no, I know you...)
(I wholly apologize for the sarcasm/bedpan thing. That was absolutely disgusting. I blame the fact that FX runs like 12 hours of M*A*S*H a day.)