New Wing Commander Suggestion for Origin

Thanks for agreeing with my dragon, since my signature only applys to Gods like myself, last time I checked you are not one, unless you have recently reached that status for some deed I have not noticed. I guess I need to kill you now!!! :)
Your signature is MY anwer to EW reply.
I dont Buy That.
If they said "hey, that system is there because of the prilgrim, is were they are" I could belive, but THAT, I do not.
Originally posted by Dragon:
I don’t Buy That.

I'm puzzled why you would say that. Origin has officially stated that P2 "takes place in an isolated section of the Wing Commander universe". That should be the end of the matter. You may not like the marketing strategy that lay behind this statement, but that doesn't disqualify it as canon. Otherwise, we would be free to question and disavow any number of things in the WC universe. (Gee, I wonder what some of the thinking was that went into the choice of the name "Kilrathi" for the enemy? And don't get me started on why it looks like a tiger or a lion.)

The point is: There's a lot of fun to be had (as this Chat Zone time and again demonstrates) in taking Origin "at its word" and then proposing and debating the "missing links" in the story lines.

In that same vein, I think it's been a mistake to refer to the Talon in P2 as an "Easter egg". Even if that Talon fit the technical definition, which it doesn't, the fact remains that it's a material part of the game--it's the object of one of the missions that can be flown and is even the subject of a CIS bulletin in the game manual. It's as much canon as anything else in the Tri-System/WC universe.
Well, let me put this way.

I disagree with that, Origin in a patetic efort to come up with a "in the Wing Commander universe" game (and the REAL P2 was put out the window, why?) just put something that I dont think that fits in, just to put "privatter II" in the game box, I can say the it worked since I was fool by It and if they say it oficial, they sould explain better(they did not even explained, that does not even shows up either in the game or the manual) were that Tri-star system fit on the fisical and temporal part of the universe, but its oficial.

They just put something up, not explained things (sorry, saying things in the net is not to explain things, I did not have internet at that time and many players also did not) and hope that we belive that.

that is, I dont buy that.
Dude, Origin said it as such it is fact!
If you disagree with that, I can go and say that the movie Tiger Claw is different than the real Tiger'sClaw
neither the two ships are "real" if they are I best join confed, there is a WAR going on, they might need my help.
Originally posted by Dragon:
. . . if they say it oficial, they sould explain better(they did not even explained, that does not even shows up either in the game or the manual) were that Tri-star system fit on the fisical and temporal part of the universe . . .

I find your lack of faith . . . disturbing.

Seriously, I can understand your disappointment if you bought the game thinking Confederation space would be front and center, but even so (including if you just didn’t like the game as a game) I don’t know why you’d reject the idea that Tri-System space is part of the WC universe. Origin has the right to envision WC as it sees fit, and its statement about the Tri-System will likely always stand (no matter how it was published) because I can’t imagine why EA/Origin would ever disavow it. So why not accept it and have fun with it?
Does anyone here realize that P2 takes places about 110 years after Prophecy? There's no way for you to say it's "not canon" until Origin decides to fill in the blanks up to that point(which, i may remind you, will be a very long time, since, unless they have been playing a very mean joke on us, Wing Commander is pretty much canned). And the Kilrathi can't be humanity's enmemy, they cannot get back together to be the huge grand empire they once were because unless there is a huge social conversion, because Sivarist doctrines place huge emphasis on Kilrah itself, which is now a barren, torn-up fireball, and the honor of victory(which the cats haven't felt in a while, since the Terrans kicked their ass and they did relatively little against the bugs except for getting captured and disected, and to add even more shame to the kitties, after all of them were studied, BLAIR was the one the aliens wanted, not the Kilrathi, because he was the ultimate killing machine and they weren't). Napoleon... Get over it, Blair is just a character, a pawn in the games, he is not a big fish in a little pond, nor is he the Second Coming. He is a human, which means he is just as susceptible to turning to evil as any other human. So it would not have been "wrong" for him to be the bad guy. Likewise, I think, had the next two or three games been completed and released, we would have seen a major success for the series because the triumvirate hive mind would have been a MASSIVELY powerful enemy that would have encouraged all new technologies, alliances, and tactics. Maybe we would have seen Confed searching out the Mantu for their assistance, outfitting the less advanced races with their technology, and then using the collective intelligence and reserach from each allied race to build all new and fantastic(as well as potentially terrifying) ships and weaponry. I really wish i was a billionaire just so i could hire the wc team, buy the franchise from origin, and have them at least finish the story they had, rather than cutting them off after the intro.
No your wrong, BLair is special, that is why he is the most decorated person in Confed history, and that is why he fought on the side of Justice always, the reason he won't be turned evil is that he was always a reluctant warrior, he didn't kill for the sake of killing, he fought for the good of humanity and to protect the lives of the people on his ship, and on planets, that is why he was so willing to fight next to Melek and his guys in Pasqual during the BL affair and that is why he won;t turn evil, plus he is the hero of the story and to have him be evil would be just like having Luke Skywalker destroy the universe in star wars or have Maniac become an Admiral or have the borg in star trek become nice, it just would not seem right.
Originally posted by Dragonmage:
Does anyone here realize that P2 takes places about 110 years after Prophecy?

Well, that assumes that when it's "2790" in the Tri-System it's also "2790" in the Confederation, and I think that's a pretty big assumption.
Originally posted by Nemesis
Well, that assumes that when it's "2790" in the Tri-System it's also "2790" in the Confederation, and I think that's a pretty big assumption.
And why would that be such a big assumption?
The calculation of time has had a checkered history in most cultures. Since we’re unsure about the Tri-System’s origins as well as its relationship, past and present, with the Confederation, any assumption that its and Confed’s calendars are the same is nothing less than wishful thinking.
I havent played P2 but why do you assume that the Tri-system's calendar ISNT Confed's? It has humans, it has Confed Internal Security, seems like its linked to Confed.
The CIS has no links with Confed, because the entire Tri-System is said to have no links with Confed :).

Anyway, we are told that the people of Tri-System are aborigines, rather than colonists from Confed. Thus, we can be quite certain that their 2790 is not the same as Confed's.
Well in that case I find it REALLY hard to believe that their calendar is only 110 years off of ConFed's. That would mean their civilization is either only as old as 2790 years or their years are really long adding up to 2790. Either way it seems a big stretch
The Tri-System is isolated.. that does not necessarily mean there are no links with Confed.. And in fact many people in the Tri-System are authorized to Trade in the Confederationand such.

We know that the Anhurian Humanist religion believes that they're fully native to Anhur.. It's more likely that they're really from Earth though..
Napoleon, Blair is also human... susceptible to falling. Besides, think of all the crap the poor guy has been through, how many he has killed while saving the Confederation over and over. Hell, he has the guilt of killing an entire planet on his shoulders, now what if, as the interview says, the alien hive mind gave him the opportunity to alleviate himself of that guilt by becoming part of its collective conscience? If i were in his shoes i'd still have a tough time with that one. OH, and by the way, you should read up on your star wars a bit more... in the Dark Empire graphic novel Luke Skywalker DOES turn evil and leads the resurrected Emperor's forces until good ole Han, Leia, and Chewie bring him back to the good side. Sorry but if a Jedi can fall then so can Blair. But of course, I can already see you using the "well, that isn't canon," line of defense...
yes but if you payed attention to what I said, i said if he was to destroy the galaxy, not turn to the dark side, those things are totaly different.