seem to have a lot of anger over this issue....
I do. I feel very strongly that our community needs to be better than this. I published an editorial recently abouut it - we need our criticism to be intelligent, not simply pleasurable. What don't you like about the SWC Rapier? Do you understand X, Y and Z thing about why it is so important that it showed up in Arena? 'It made me throw up' is a stupid internet-ism, an easy, *stupid* line that wrongly purports to replace actual discussion (beyond that it's an absolutely unneeded and insulting jab).
How do you justify referring to a forum member as an idiot due to the expression of an opinion that doesn't align with your own?
I know those who replied more quickly have already said it, but I think I deserve that simple rush too: I justified it with the paragraph-long justification which immediately followed my having called him an idiot. It has absolutely nothing to do with my opinion on his opinion about the ship - it has to do with my understanding of how everything *needs* to w ork.
I would have expected someone who frequents these forums as much as yourself to behave in a more civilized fashion.
It would seem that perhaps you should apologize to the appropriate people and allow everyone here to return to civilized WC discussion.
I don't even understand this jab. My longevity should make me disagree with you? I've been with a Wing Commander community since 1993, I've seen every single discussion that's possible... Kavok isn't some poor indefensible kid, he understands (and has apologized, if half-facedly, for) what he did. It seems amazing that in light of all that you still find the need to harass *me*. You don't have a leg to stand on here.
Hard as it is to say, LeHah is right about respect. Go discuss what your favorite ship is, go write some fanfic, go tooth and nail a movie continuity argument - until you've done those things, we don't know you, comments like the above hold no power.
Which brings us to:
That article about sums up my feelings on "earning respect" right there. So he doesn't like the SWC Rapier. Big deal.
Your article is horrible and self-contradictory.
How can you mix the standard internet 'I stood up to a bad customer, celebrate me' post and then follow it with a kind reminder that everyone should respect everyone else? How does someone who steps into someone else's conversation to call a woman a "bitch" lead into a speech about how we need to "give people respect because they are humans with lives and feelings just as important as our own"> That's *absolutely* assinine.
Also, the simple act of posting it contradicts the (supposed) message. Taking one side in an argument isn't the same thing as being respectful - you don't get to take pot-shots under the guise of being enlightened. The evolved prespective you would want (ideally) would mean you wouldn't post in such an argument at all... but at the very *worst* it would be to say that *everyone* here deserves your respect regardless of opinion - whether it's my opinion that Kavok is being an idiot or Shellos' opinion he really, really needs to break years of silence to bitch about a discussion he wasn't part of.
Here's the truth of the article and of your post: you are not better than the group. Your blogger isn't better than "American Culture" because they stood up to a woman who had trouble ordering bagels and then spouted some nonsensical philosophy to calm themself down. You are not better than everyone else posting here for your ability to copy and paste a link that you clearly didn't even think about. The common denominator here is that both people took advantage of a situation because they though it would make them *seem* better than everyone else... and that's just nasty - and self defeating.
(I mean, come on - the original article may even be kidding on the whole. How can you say everyone needs to respect everyone for being human and then blame the problem on "punk kids with bad attitudes and black fingernail polish"? Clever.)
That aside, even the lets-all-just-get-along-except-when-I-don't-want-to part of the article falls flat. The answer to a problem (everyone demanding respect) *isn't* to decide that the concept itself doesn't exist. Imagine: I have cancer - no problem, it doesn't exist! There are *certainly* people who deserve respect for their accomplishments - you can find a whole host of them right here in this thread yelling at Shellos.
It's very, very easy to say that LeHah deserves respect for having done all sorts of things for the community while Shellos doesn't because he has absolutey no history whatsoever. It's not some distant concept for praising people we like - it's quantifiable. It's not partisan. I'm terrible to people sometimes, and I deserve a heck of a lot of respect for things I've done here. Tolwyn is as passive aggressive as they get, but we absolutely have to agree that he deserves respect for releasing the Saga prologue.