Unknown Enemy
Actually, it doesn't work quite like that. You need x number of points to get a medal during a mission. But it's not possible, for example, to get a gold star if you get y number of points, and a silver star if you only get x. Anybody that does that is just imagining things .
There is an absolutely excellent guide to all WC1 missions in the CIC's Files section (it's in the zip file with the WC1 Savegame Editor; there is also a WC2 guide in the WC2 Savegame Editor, but that's another story). Take a look at it, because it lists the medal-winning conditions for almost every single mission (with a medal) out there. It's a must-read for those of you who insist on getting every single kill out there .
While I'm at it, allow me to quote the above-mentioned document to give you an idea of how promotions work, because apparently they don't have anything to do with the kill points (victory points are not the same as kill points)...
There is an absolutely excellent guide to all WC1 missions in the CIC's Files section (it's in the zip file with the WC1 Savegame Editor; there is also a WC2 guide in the WC2 Savegame Editor, but that's another story). Take a look at it, because it lists the medal-winning conditions for almost every single mission (with a medal) out there. It's a must-read for those of you who insist on getting every single kill out there .
While I'm at it, allow me to quote the above-mentioned document to give you an idea of how promotions work, because apparently they don't have anything to do with the kill points (victory points are not the same as kill points)...
Missions also award promotion points. Promotion points are earned for reaching the maximum number of victory points possible in a mission, reaching or passing a number of total kills that is divisible by five, and for killing a Kilrathi Ace or Drakhai. In some missions, you LOSE one promotion point if your wingmate dies during the mission.
Promotion points accumulate from mission to mission until they exceed a random number generated at the end of each mission. If you pass this number and are eligible for promotion, you will receive the next rank. Whether or not you are eligible for promotion, the promotion point total will also be set to zero. Note that you cannot become a Lieutenant Colonel in the Vega campaign.