Here's a sequel idea for WC...


I was just kicking this around the other day while writing fanfics. What if Origin decided to go back and do an alternate reality story. I'm thinking, if they did something like that with the Wing Commander movie, why not do it again?

So anyway, what if the Behemoth succeeded in its mission to destroy Kilrah? Wouldn't that relegate Blair to the last page of the history books and Tolwyn to the fore? If that was so, wouldn't the Black Lance have a better chance of rising to power? That would make for a really creepy dark alternate reality. It could go places.

Well, just an idea I was kicking around. If you guys like it, I'll turn it into a fanfic.
If they really do that, they should take WCM style ships for that game so everyone knows it's an alternate reality WC. :p
Well I don't think the Black Lance would figure very prominently if the Behemoth had been successful. In fact the whole debacle with the Border Worlds may have been avoided, because one of Tolwyn's biggest gripes was the failure of the Behemoth and the success of the Temblor bomb. I kind of got the feeling that when the Behemoth went down it kind of pushed him over the edge.
Although there would be some other interesting elements. Perhaps we would see Tolwyn in the Senate, or possibly Presidency, rather than Paladin. And Tolwyn would be the Heart Of The Tiger! :D
Let's add a new faction to Wing Commander, so we can expand the universe! They'll be a bunch of space facists called the Andorran Republic, and they use german-style names to designate their fighters :(
I think that the Lance would still be operating, because Tolwyn has been in it for a while, but that they haven't done any acts to draw attention to themselves.
Let's add a new faction to Wing Commander, so we can expand the universe! They'll be a bunch of space facists called the Andorran Republic, and they use german-style names to designate their fighters

Erm...huh? :confused:
Try not to think about it :P

As for black lance, they wouldn't be needed I think. Anytime Tolwyn got pissed off, he'd point his big gun at the nearest planet. He would achieve the type of control the Empire wanted with the death star in SW.
I agree that an alternate path where the claw is not vapourised would be good! I was really gutted when the claw went down!
The movie wasn't "alternate?" Okay... I did not know that. My apologies.

But I really do think a fic on "what if Tolwyn was the hero" would be interesting. I'll get to work on it. I'll report in when I'm done with it.

And an alternate fic where the Claw isn't destroyed... Hmmm, that could work in many ways. Time to start writing!
For Example:

"2655, after succesfully sweeping behind enemy lines, the Claw launches a succesful attack on K'Mang and returns to earth as heros. At the forefront of this operation was Lt. Colonel Christopher Blair, a true hero of the Confederation"
Wouldn't that be kind of boring, though? :\ (Although I agree Origin's habit of blowing up your carrier after every other game gets kind of tiresome).
Bob McDob said:
Wouldn't that be kind of boring, though? :\ (Although I agree Origin's habit of blowing up your carrier after every other game gets kind of tiresome).

They have to keep the excitement high for every game and that means new designs must be present in every new title. Otherwise, the reviewers would say:

"The new WC is just the polished version of the previous title. It's more like a mission pack rather than a new game."

And honestly, I would agree. If they would keep the old designs and just change the cut scenes and make new missions, that would'nt count as a brand new game.