Vondoom said:
When WC came out tons of games had deep storylines (not that WC1 had too deep of one though its two addons did) though it was the first space sim to have one.
It's story was pretty deap, for any genre at that time except RPG's maybe.
. WC3 was not the first game by any means to have live actors in a computer game though. Though the quality of actors was most certainly above what most other games had at the time.
No, it definetly wasn't the first. But no other game made a use of the cutscenes as well as it did. Like you said, the quality of the cutscenes was well above anything else at that time.
As for the gameplay, WC could have had the greatest storyline of all time, but if it wasn't fun to play, no one would have bought it.
And it could have the best gameplay ever, but without a descent story it would suck.
The single biggest complaint in fact by most fans was that there was too much story and not enough gameplay by WC4.
Yeah, and I can remember those same people bitching that Prophecy didn't have enough movies.
And I again have to laugh at your saying Prophecy had better gameplay. Let's see, less mission variety and much worse AI (and good AI can make or break a game) makes for superior gameplay???? Not in my universe.
The mission variety isn't that much smaller, and the AI isn't that much worse. In adition, the new engine allows for much more ships on the screen with a very smooth gampeplay, there are more ships and weapons available, taking out capships is more interesting because of taking out components individually, and the action overall has a faster pace.
Don't get me wrong about the storyline now. Storyline is very important to me. But no one would pay to suffer through a bad game for its plot.
Just as I wouldn't want to suffer through a WC game with no storyline (thing FS, with even less story - scarry)
I think that you're missing my entire point about Tolwyn. Everything he did, slaughtering incoent people, the GE project, was all for the good of the Confederation. In his mind, heart, all that was supposed to help the Confederation in the long run. Therefore, if we use your logic that someone who stays loyal by heart, is still loyal, Tolwyn was the best damn Admiral in the Confed fleet. Also, if you read the WC4 novel, you'll find out that Tolwyn DIDN'T want to kill all those people, but he felt like it was the only way. Later in the novel when he was already after trial, he was thinking to himself that he rushed with the entire project, and that killing off inocent people wasn't necessary.
Now, of course nothing can justify what he did, but comparing him to someone like Hitler isn't exactly correct.
[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited October 20, 2000).]