Drayman firepower

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Drayman upgrades to level 8. I think that the Scarab is an one-of-a-kind, possibly a corvette modified for cargo space (which is why my WCU corvette DOES try to look a bit like a beetle and has five turrets...)

if you want more ships get WCU ^_^ I suggest you play thru Priv first though.
6 turrets on the Drayman might be overpowered, but only by a little. I mean, you gotta have turrets when you can't turn worth a hoot. More important, though, is emphasizing the cargo space. The fact that there's not really any purpose in Privateer for a ship with 10,000 cargo spaces makes the idea of flying a merchant capship a bit outside the bounds of the game from the get-go, and without custom Merch Guild missions to take advantage of that space, there's just no reason to fly a Drayman instead of a Galaxy, unless you want to play carrier.

"I realize that they are being completely faithful to the original game."

But that's just it, they're not. There is plenty of equipment and there are plenty of upgrades in this game that never existed in the original Privateer.

Alright, create a thread and don't let it die, tell the development team you just want a simple (graphical enhanced) remake of the original privateer and there is a good chance things will change, but at the moment many people in the team believe they only give YOU the fans what YOU like by adding/changing things that are violating the canon but are more "fun".
meow ^^; sorry if i was rude...

my take on it is that if you do a remake 100% perfect people won't play it beyond "ncice, new graphics". If you add a bit here and there while keeping the feeling the same, people WILL keep playing to see just what is new. Which is why I think this remake rules, we've all grown up some (I first played Priv in 1998) and expect the game to have grown up with us...

me goes back to wcu now ^^;
Unregistered said:
Auto-tracking weapons for impatient people who can't aim seem silly, though. :)

I think auto-tracking does more harm than good, and now I can't seem to be able to sell it after buying it? Hostiles are usually making such a maneuvres even when flying directly towards me that the auto-tracking is shooting in every other directions except where enemy is...
Which is why I think this remake rules, we've all grown up some (I first played Priv in 1998) and expect the game to have grown up with us...

The changes aren't 'grown up', though. They're fanboy wishlist crap that's been around since 1993 that doesn't do anything but hurt the balance of the game.
Acimus said:
I think auto-tracking does more harm than good, and now I can't seem to be able to sell it after buying it? Hostiles are usually making such a maneuvres even when flying directly towards me that the auto-tracking is shooting in every other directions except where enemy is...
Then turn it off. Press k.
Here's a tip for things regarding WCU - first off, try to work some of the bugs out of things. I know the Vega Strike team should be working on core bugs rather than you patching up their stuff, but they're so feature-happy right now they're NEVER going to make a stable release. I think there are enough core bugs that we really need to start addressing some of them, and I will in fact offer my aid once my course load drops off a bit. I'd need to get a feel for the source and such, but I think it would be a good exercise for me. :)

By the way, no I'm not some idiot who thinks he can code, I'm finishing my second year of university in Software Engineering, so I'll actually be useful. :)
Bandit LOAF said:
The changes aren't 'grown up', though. They're fanboy wishlist crap that's been around since 1993 that doesn't do anything but hurt the balance of the game.

couldn't have said it better myself bud :)
sorry v_v

the reason why i got involved was that i saw the drayman was buyable in beta 9 an thought, hey, people are SO going to want to play carrier with this... hence the docking screen, the turrets and the heavy tractor beam
Aron Figaro said:
Here's a tip for things regarding WCU - first off, try to work some of the bugs out of things. I know the Vega Strike team should be working on core bugs rather than you patching up their stuff, but they're so feature-happy right now they're NEVER going to make a stable release.
Patches to turn the Remake into WCU are approximately 3 weeks old. Surprise, surprise, the project is in its infancy and there are stability and other ossues. It is in a pre-alpha state; claiming that there will "never be a stable release" is ridiculous.
Personally, I like Drayman as is. :) But I guess if I were to change it -- I would give it 1-2 turrets for some "serious" defense and reduce the forward mount to tractor only.

Still have not save up to buy one. :) BTW, could it be made into a small carrier / Q-ship?

The WCU drayman has turrets and can be used to carry up to six light fighters. And yeah, WCU is very much in its infancy. We'll be done-done with it maybe in a year.

To use the Drayman as a carrier, buy Demons or Talons in the commodity exchange, eject them (ctrl x), and remember to use the capship tractor to reel them back in after a fight.
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