
And given the way his profile at your board looks, I would recommend you do the same, Big Steve.
When Kalkrath was originally banned, I actually thought that it might be unfair to ban him permanently. Since then, however, Kalkrath has done everything in his power to prove that a permanent ban was indeed the best solution possible.
Quarto said:
And given the way his profile at your board looks, I would recommend you do the same, Big Steve.
When Kalkrath was originally banned, I actually thought that it might be unfair to ban him permanently. Since then, however, Kalkrath has done everything in his power to prove that a permanent ban was indeed the best solution possible.

Including somethings that weren't in his power

Member of the LMG, and hating it. (Disgruntled Man)
Proud member: Wing Commander Space Command; Union of Border Worlds 5th Fleet; Black Lance Command
Striking a man down with your blade is clean and honorable. Shooting him in the back from the darkness of an alley and hurrying to blame it on another was something else altogether.--Darth Vader
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Aye. Perhaps Big Steve should consider a similar action over at the SBA... that's the simplest way of dealing with it, and it certainly wouldn't be unfair given the numerous warnings he received.
Agreed. Big Steve, what do you think?

Member of the LMG, and hating it. (Disgruntled Man)
Proud member: Wing Commander Space Command; Union of Border Worlds 5th Fleet; Black Lance Command
Striking a man down with your blade is clean and honorable. Shooting him in the back from the darkness of an alley and hurrying to blame it on another was something else altogether.--Darth Vader
I am certain that your resident CGI Administrator (Bob Dole Jr.?) will know how to do this. And if you've seen his profile, I'm certain you will agree that this is necessary. Given the motto the SBA goes by, I hardly think that you can tolerate what he listed as his occupation and interests.
I'm asking for someone to please delete this thread before things get out of hand. You people arn't discussing WC or anything close. You simply insulting a person behind his back. If you have thoughts about Kal go e-mail him or something. Don't be such cowards.
? Cease thine ingress, troll.

Kalk got what he deserved, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with laughing at him for it.

Just make sure *YOU* don't bring up the topic again.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG

Bombardez les Ptitard!
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Deadman said:
I'm asking for someone to please delete this thread before things get out of hand. You people arn't discussing WC or anything close. You simply insulting a person behind his back. If you have thoughts about Kal go e-mail him or something. Don't be such cowards.

Actually it is WC related. Because we are talking about a WC fan
Deadman, I have first hand accountage (word???) that Kal deserves whatever these guys can give him. I was with him for a while, but I usually give up un-winnable and possibly harmful arguements after enough time has passed that I can see I'm not getting anywhere. head over to alt.loafhead and have a look at THOSE insults. The ones here pale in comparison, and the ones there are to his face

Member of the LMG, and hating it. (Disgruntled Man)

Striking a man down with your blade is clean and honorable. Shooting him in the back from the darkness of an alley and hurrying to blame it on another was something else altogether.--Darth Vader
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I have just now e-mailed Kalkrath terms for an unconditional surrender which would allow him to return to the board. The ball is now planted firmly in his court, and it must be noted as a historical curiosity that I am possibly the worlds most forgiving evil person.

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG

Bombardez les Ptitard!
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LOAF, you are too kind
BTW, thanks for the email.

Member of the LMG, and hating it. (Disgruntled Man)

Striking a man down with your blade is clean and honorable. Shooting him in the back from the darkness of an alley and hurrying to blame it on another was something else altogether.--Darth Vader
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Admit it Kalk, you get a kick out of all this attention

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara
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Has anyone here heard from Cmdr_X reciently?

You might be a redneck if...You consider pork and beans to be a gourmet food.
That * is there because Deadman is already taken.
This new Deadman registered today.
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Yes, but if he's new, why is he asking about Cmdr-X like the old Deadman???

HTML Assistant: WC Space Command
Administrator: UBW 5th Fleet
Member of the LMG and hating it (Disgruntled Man)
Striking a man down with your blade is clean and honorable. Shooting him in the back from the darkness of an alley and hurrying to blame it on another was something else altogether.--Darth Vader
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He he, use your imagination. It could be Deadman, maybe he was banned or something. It could as well be Cmdr_X trying to stir up some trouble, and this is just the begining of his evil plan.
Yeah like resurecting old threads.

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That is if he was even banned. But if so, I doubt he would make his identity so obvious if he wanted to post messages under a ban-which leads to being banned again.

Maybe he just wanted a new identity...