Originally posted by Penguin
StarLight: The Greeks definitely didn't have an army numbering 100,000 at the Battle of Platea. I don't know how many helots the Spartans had but there's 1 problem in your reasoning concerning the helots. They're slaves. The Spartans used the helots to do all the non-military work. And by that I mean ANY form of work NOT pertaining to the military. The Spartans were the only Greeks with helots & the reason they had helots was so that they could spend ALL their time training for war.
ah..."the ephors took the warning...and...deispatched a force of 5000 spartans troops, eahc man attended by SEVEN helots." herodotus the histories
that would make 8 times 5000 = 40 000 already...helots not fighting??? how the heck do you think there where "the inferiors??? they were freed helots! the inferiors consisted of partheniai - illegitemate children, mothoces - adopted helot children, tresantes - spartan cowards and NEADAMODES - helots, who for some courageious act of or service to the state were given freedom
rmember that some where freed from slavery, and that time where there was a war where the helots fought WITH the spartans and there were so many to free that it is believed they attended some ceremony and soon were never heard of again...the helots where used to fight...
one role of the helots was to as as a servant to spartan soldeirs during war and they also acted as light armed skirmishes in battle...
so...in otherwords, i think ur wrong, no offense