Cats vrs bugs...

Oh no, not idiot speak. I'm sure Q is going to be so offended that he'll go out and buy AS as soon as he reads that. Hah.

"Really? Red Baron was just a medicore flyer, and I heard that he was considered one of the best because he got in close where he could never miss."
While it's true he was a mediocre flyer, the last thing you would want to do is get in close if you can shoot well at a distance. At close range, shooting skill isn't an issue. In fact, if we read the Claw Marks we can see that it advises you to get in close where the lesser handling of the Jalthi makes it hard for that pilot to keep you in its sights since there's an excellent chance that you'd get behind one if you can get bast the wall of laser fire.

"Replay WC3 and see how much difference there is between a 'cat and the T-bolt."
I'd sooner fly the bolt than a cat. The bolt's extra protection make it a much better ship. Even without its defenses, the guns make it so you have to keep a target in your sights long enough to get a couple hits. 10 dps doesn't mean you will hit a target half as much.

"It's not that hard to aim at even the flat part of any Kilrathi ship."
Aim? You're telling me you need to aim with a blast radius of 50m?

"Sure you did Q, sure."
I'm sure he did.
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Man, you guys have been busy...anyway, way back earlier:

Earthworm said:
Originally posted by Primarch:
In less than a heartbeat...A Plunkett can rip the fur of a Kat Dreadnought in less than ten seconds.
Don't you think you're exagurating a bit?
The K Dreadnoght has better shields, strong enough armor, a lot of guns, and more fighters.
When it was created it may have had better shields and armour, a lot of guns etc...but compared to a WCP ship it isn't even nearly tough enough to slug it out with a Plunkett.

I was thinking about making a Kilrathi v Confed Mission and I put a Kat Dreadnought up against a Plunkett just to see what would happen. Now I realise that there are certain differences between the Cap Ships in earlier WC games and those in WCP/SO, but this was just an experiment.
The Dreadnought had 4500 armour (all around) with 6200 shields (I don't know if these are the same stats as the game...they came with the ship).
The Plunkett anihilated it in less than ten seconds.

So no...I do not think I was exaggerating. The Kat Dreadnought c2660's does not have the firepower to cause any serious damage to a Plunkett c2680's or the shields/armour to repel firepower of that magnitude

'What goes around usually gets dizzy and falls over.'

Wing Commander - Secret Ops Missions
The Fanfiction Archives

[This message has been edited by Primarch (edited May 26, 2000).]
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Seems to me like you're comparing a turret-armed battleship with a wooden frigate, but that's just my opinion. Also, I don't think your assessment is entirely accurate, ok I know it isn't. The numbers for the 'nought are not accurate, and the hull integrity seems to be too low. Also, I doubt the shields are recharging as fast as they should. The dreadnought has many weapons we didn't see used.