Yup, too weak. The lasers just didn't cut it. The Raptor had those neutrons and mass drivers which happen to be some of my favorite guns.
I was joking, EW.
I don't think that those four guns together were too weak, but they certainly were a bad combination. I'd much rather go with a pair of Mass Drivers any day. Neutrons have too little range, and Lasers don't do enough.
And what'd you expect from an obsolete fleet like that? Besides, we don't even know how large that Kilrathi fleet was.
No, we don't. So what made
you think that we'd be dead meat without them?
Tje Gratha sucks!!! Seriously, I nver found the Gratha to be much of a problem, Confed could kick the crap out of it anytime. Oh, and what's that crap about the Raptor having only 34% success rate against a Jalthi? That's bull.
Earthworm, we're not talking about what happens in the game, we're talking stats. Now, take a good, hard look at the Raptor's stats, and compare them with the Gratha's. Look especially well at its armour and shields, and note that its roll rate is actually 14 (not 6).
Now then. If you were to fight with someone as good (or as bad
) as yourself, which would you go for? And what about the Jalthi, with its four Lasers and a pair of Neutrons to boot? If you met one with a
real pilot, one who wouldn't let you just waltz in and gun down his rear armour, what
would be your survival rate?
I think it's because of the very poor shields and armor.... The manuverebility never bothered me. And as we learned in FF, the Dralthi has some problems with shielding.
No, no, you misunderstand. I'm not talking about fighting it, I'm talking about using it. Personally, I was never able to use it properly, because it was just too damned responsive. As for the shielding problems, in FF it says that they were repaired by the time Mk. 2 appeared.
Speaking of that, how'd you like to fly against the Hhriss? Inferior indeed. Wouldst thou really want to go up against
Shield Recharge Time: 4
Max Velocity: 330 KPS
Cruise Velocity: 200 KPS
Acceleration Rate: 2
Y/P/R: 8/8/16
Shields (Fore/Aft): 15/18
Armour (Fore/Aft/Flanks): 16/17/15
Armament: 2 x Mass Driver, 2 x Neutron Gun, 2 x Javelin HS
Length: 28m
Mass: 17.5 tonnes
And since when are the Y/P/R stats everything that determines how good a fighter is? I've seen those stats using WCnav, and I know that some of them are extremly good. But I'd rather have the Scimitar with it's not so good speed or agility over a Dralthi with piss poor shielding and armor.
Bah, I wasn't saying that manoeuvrability stats the fighter make
. But just how well would you do, flying a Hornet against a Salthi (again, with a real pilot)? Why, it could fly circles around you. You'd never even hit it.
Oh, and WCNav doesn't give you stats
Hm, mind you, WC1 with it's huge projectiles and wide ships made it easier for me.
That's unusual
. Because what those ships lost by being so wide, they gained by being so flat.
And what does that have anything do with with anything?
Visibility, of course. WCP had a hell of a lot more visibility than WC 1 did, where half your screen was the cockpit.
Right, and you shouldn't fly without wingman. That'll get you killed quickly.
Wha? What I was referring to was the fact that in WCP, you hardly ever fly with less than two wingman. So, naturally the earlier WCs were a lot harder.
Add up to what? I've lost you on your second point.
Then pay attention next time
. All I'm saying is that the WCP game engine made things quite a bit easier, as did the overall mission design.
Uh, I think you miss my point. Which is that Prophecy isn't any easier because of all the new technology since the bugs have the same tech as we do. Wich is what happened in the games in which we fought the cats. Now, if I played those games in the WC3 engine, or the WC4 one, it would be just as easy if the AI stayed the same.
No, you miss my point. I didn't say that WC3 would be easier if we had WCP technology. I said that if we ported WCP stuff into the WC3 engine, ships, tech, and all, you'd find it was a lot harder - because of the game engine itself.