Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
A ga-zillion things are "plausible" -- but that doesn't make them true. This one certainly wasn't... [/B]
Aye--that's where the "even likely" part comes in, laddie...
'e said that Blair always SUSPECTED that Taggart's accent was a put-on; it dunna say that it was a "put-on" for SURE! And let's not forget, after godknowshowmany YEARS of hanging out in situations of NOT being around 'is native accent, ANYONE would likely "lose" whatever native accent they held. You tend to to pick up the accent of whatever people you hang around, after any prolonged period of time (I spent a mere 2 years in Philadelphia, and lost whatever traces of a "New York" accent I may've held!; likewise, my brother, stationed in the USAF in Texas a few years back, used to call home with a pronounced Texas drawl in 'is voice!...).
Recall the old saying "when in Rome..."?...