gevatter Lars
Vice Admiral
If the manual is truely for free I will get one...or even pay a small price.
Well, then, it's an even better deal than that, because you don't have to have the game to have the manual, it will be available from the EA Arcade page.
(But, of course, if you don't have the game you're a scum-sucking utak.)
(...)No hairlesses is a joke about (and quantification of) the Wing Commander movie. (...)
* This one is fantastic because it gives us designations for a bunch of fighters! Many of them seem to be nods to Standoff (yay) or the original series bible.
There went my hopes that the Kilrathi had done WC humanity a favor and pasted Professor Torg when they bombed Luna or Earth.
~Are the humans in the Tri-system descendants of settlers from earth, who traveled there a long time ago and developed a differing culture? I realize that in game fiction establishes them as having "originated" on one of the tri-system planets, but you'd be surprised how local cultures and/or governments can "re-write" history or establish their own creation myths.
must mention the ad listing navy surplus ships for sale. it's very useful for fan projects based on Privateer, for it lets civilian pilots buy military ships.
~At what point did the Confederation make contact with the Tri-system government? How much of a relationship do the two governments have today, especially in terms of population movement and/or transfer of technology?
If the manual is truely for free I will get one...or even pay a small price.
After seeing the informations in those few pages, I wonder what extra informations will be in the game or if they're all in those magnificent 60-pages...
At first I thought it meant that the Kilrathi wanted no humans. But then I remembered that humans were more often called "furless". It makes more sense that way and it's a nice nod to the WCM. Anyway, a human wanting to become the lair mate of a Kilrathi would be strange. On the other hand, I imagine they're very cushy.
What is this supposed to mean? The massive expenditure of time and effort to deliver us a 60-page, full-color manual electronically and in print is worth little to nothing to you? Well thanks for telling us!If the manual is truely for free I will get one...or even pay a small price.
Or an furless freak!![]()
There went my hopes that the Kilrathi had done WC humanity a favor and pasted Professor Torg when they bombed Luna or Earth.
Funny you say that. I said the same thing last night on IRC to Pete when all of us were talking about it.
Little bastard was probably in a civil defense shelter whining about military spending.
But one thing bugged me: I thought Burrows didn't get his Steltek gun back, did he, in RF?
Yeah, I'm no warhawk or anything, I'm no militaristic nut, but that guy was really silly. I mean, there is a whole Empire of lion-men killing us very hard, and he complains about the armed forces getting too much money?
I can't express how happy I am that this thread exists. A new addition to the canon a fter all these years -- it's just unbelievable.
I think Forstchen himself pointed out in Action Stations that such men always have a way of getting out of harms way, so it seems appropriate that he'd have survived. Nevertheless, the fact that he's praising a book about defeating the Kilathi suggests that maybe he's changed his tune...
The game certainly doesn't have as much direct 'fan service' as these pages do... but it does have a lot of cool little elements stuck in for us. We've already seen some of it - from in-continuity ship descriptions to cameos from things like Longbows!
Hehe, yeah, 'hairless' is what those (real life) cats that don't have fur are called. The pink ones.
I can't express how happy I am that this thread exists. A new addition to the canon a fter all these years -- it's just unbelievable.
You do not get the gun back in Righteous Fire - but this was something people were *incredibly* angry about in 1994... and understandably so - you work through the entire game chasing down your gun, you find out that they've been mass produced by the Retros and then... nothing. If the writer of the manual has any familiarity with the community in the 1990s, then this was intentional.
Yeah, that's what I wondered: whether the (e.g.) the ship descriptions will be in the game only or in the manual as well. But it does not really matter - 60 pages!
Though I have to admit, I still don't get all the links to Priv 2 and how they might relate. Maybe a compilation thread will open, once we know.
I believe they will have different ship descriptions, to maximize your ship-learning-about dollar.
It's basically just a nod saying that the Tri-System is out there, somewhere. I don't know that there'll be any other references to Priv 2 (it's hard to do, since P2 takes place almost a century later).
If the manual is truely for free I will get one...or even pay a small price.
TO be absolutely clear (since you're apparently going around telling people otherwise for some reason): the manual is a piece of promotional material which will be released for free as a PDF through the EA Arcade website. It's not something you download through Xbox Live. It is a present for hardcore fans, designed so that all can enjoy it, beyond just those who are able to play Arena.
We will also have a small number of print copies to give out through the CIC. These will also be free, but we'll have to figure out some fair way of dividing them up.